Friday, October 31, 2014

Saturday, October 31, 1868 – “The copperheads made a demonstration to night."

This has been a very windy day. It rained to night. This is the last day of October 1868. Thare was a Republican meeting in Andes to day. The Bovina Lancers were over to Andes. I took over a load. Rev Mickle of Hamden was speaker. The Bovina Lancers got their supper free. The copperheads made a demonstration to night. Their was a load of cops from Delhi. O. Dickson stayed here all night. 1868. It was ten oclock when we got home. John Bramley was here making cider to day.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday, October 30, 1868- “Thare was a Spree at Tom Thomsons to night.”

This is a fine day. I was drawing dung this forenoon. I was plowing this afternoon. O. Dickson was over here to night. Jim came home to night. Jim Douglass was here making cider to day. Their was a man from Delhi with him. His name was Angly I think. Thare was Singing School in Brushland to night. Thare was a Spree at Tom Thomsons to night. Alice Russell and S. Thomson were down to S. Thomson were down to S. School tonight. Brushland Del Co NY 1868

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday, October 29, 1868 – “Harrah For Grant.”

This has been a fine day. It was cool to day. I was drawing dung this forenoon. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. Thare was a Republican meeting in Brushland to day. Gen. Neal Dow of Maine* was speaker. The meeting was held in the church. Capt Morton sung a song. Ha! Johny Cope. 1868. I saw Bill White to day. He was going to Andes. He was up to Sandy Whites wedding. He has been liveing in Walton. George Cable was with him. Harrah For Grant. 1868

*Neal S. Dow was a noted opponent of alcohol and the Mayor of Portland. He also was an abolitionist and served in the Civil War, obtaining the rank of brigadier general.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 28, 1868 – “Sandy White is to be married in the church to night.”

It has rained some to day. I was over to Andes today. I took Ann over to Andrew Liddles to day. Thid Dickson went down by to night. Sandy White is to be married in the church to night. 1868. Thare were ten couple at the wedding 1868. 
At the UP Church in Brushland October 28, 1868
By Rev J. B. Lee, Mr. Alexander White to Miss Mary Adee, all of Middletown, Del. Co, NY*
The Wedding party got thare supper at James Elliotts.

*Alexander was the son of Alexander White and Jane Walker. Born in 1836, he died in 1914. Mary C. Adee, born in 1838, was the daughter of Abraham Adee and Nancy Austin

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 27, 1868 – “We finished diging the potatoes this forenoon."

This has been a cloudy day. We finished diging the potatoes this forenoon. We dug 19 bl of potatoes to day. We planted 1 bl of chilli potatoes and had 11 bl. Dewitt Thompson was here this morning. He was asking to an apple-cut. I was at the apple-cut. Tom Winter, John and Joe Forrest, Archy Phyfe, J.K. Hood, George Cable, John Adams, Bill Cuningham, Andrew Thomson, Alice Russell, Sarah Phyfe, Thomsons two girls and Ann & Net were at the apple-cut to night. 1868. Jim was also at the apple-cut. 3 oclock when we got home.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday, October 26, 1868 – “This has been a cloudy wet day.”

This has been a cloudy wet day. I was plowing to day. Frank Coulter on the Turnpike was making cider to day. John and Joe Forrest was up here to day making cider. 1868. Wat. Doig was here making cider to day. Tom Fuller was here making cider to day. George Cable was over here today. Bovina.

At the residence of the Brides’ Father by Rev J.B. Lee, Mr. Henry S. Murray to Miss Elizabeth Coulter all of Bovina. They go to Niagra to morrow. 1868*

*Henry Murray (1936-1905) was the son of John Murray and Jennet Scott. Elizabeth Coulter (1839-1907) was the daughter of David Coulter and Margaret Hamilton and was a first cousin of Walter Coulter. They had three children, but only one survived them at their deaths.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sunday, October 25, 1868 – “Forward March Progress.”

This is a fine day. There was some of the folks to church to day. Brushland. Jim is home to day. A. Liddle was down to church to day. Sandy Whites Wedding was given out in church to day at Brushland. He is to be married in the church.

Missouri has gained 350.000 in population since the war. Large bodies of emigrants are pouring into the western counties. Forward March Progress. 1868

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saturday, October 24, 1868 – “The Copperheads turned out in force to night.”

This has been a tolerable fine day. I was over to the Butend to mill to day and also down to Brushland. Charly Lee and R. Forrest were here making cider to day. Thare was a Republican meeting in Brushland to night. Hon. John Grant speaker. Thare was also a Democratic meeting in Brushland to night. Sam Youmans Speaker. I was down to Brushland to night at the meeting. The Copperheads turned out in force to night. It was 12 oclock when I got home. 1868.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday, October 23, 1868 – “It frose very hard to night.”

This is a very cold day. I took Net & Ann down to Hat Stotts to day. I was down to Brushland twice to day. Jim was down to Brushland to day. Joe Forrest rode up with me from Brushland. R. Scott was here this afternoon making cider. Jim went over to Franks this afternoon. Thare was a Social at D. Coulters to night. There was quite a crowd at it to night. Ann was at it. 1868. It frose very hard to night. Brushland.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday, October 22, 1868 – “The cows were in to night for the first this season.”

This is a wet chilly day. It snowed some to day. I was over to the Butend to mill to day. John Archabald was making cider at Mortons to day. 1868. Joe Rait was up here to day making cider.* John Forrest was with him. John Forrest got dinner here to day. There was a Political meeting in Andes to night. The cows were in to night for the first this season. Bovina. I saw H. Warren to day. 1868. Every thing is quiet to day. Brushland.

*Walter put the number 2 just above Raitt’s name. Over the next few days, he continued to put numbers on names of people coming to make their cider. There appear to have been 9 when the season was finished a week later.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 21, 1868 – “There was some apples picked to day.”

This is a wet cloudy day. It is snowing some to day. I have been plowing to day. There was some apples picked to day. Jim Douglass was over here this afternoon forenoon after his cider. Jim came home to day. He has been working in Andes Village. I tapped my Boot to night. In Delhi, October 21st at Cottrells Hotel by Rev. A. Ackerly, Mr. James E. Brace, to Miss Mary E. Parish, all of Andes. 1868. Delaware Republican print.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 20, 1868 – “Thare was not a very big crowd at the husking bee to night.”

This has been a cloudy day. I was plowing to day for the first this fall. There was some apples picked to day. R. Scott was up to M. Tuttles this afternoon. Thare is a husking-Bee at D. Black’s tonight. I saw [Thid Dickson] go down the road to night. I was not at D. Blacks husking bee to night. Thare was not a very big crowd at the husking bee to night. There was some thare from Brushland. Mr. Adams, Mary Doig and Phyfes folks.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday, October 19, 1868 – “Thare is A Great Mass Meeting in Delhi today.”

It is wet and cloudy to day. I was not doing much to day. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. R. Scott rode up with me from Brushland. 1868. Thare is A Great Mass Meeting in Delhi today. Maj. Gen Dan E. Sickles* & Gen. Pleasenton** and B.G. Noble*** are Speakers. They went from Bovina to Delhi to day to attend the Great meeting. Jim Lauran was up to A. Liddles after his hog to day. He also got 1 from R. Scott to day. Brushland. Bovina. Del Co

*Maj. Gen. Sickles (1819-1914) was a Civil War general. For more information:
**Gen. Pleasonton was Alfred Pleasonton (1824-1897), and served in the Civil War. For more information:
***B.G. Noble was an Episcopalian minister from Connecticut.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sunday, October 18, 1868 – “Once more rings out the bugle call…”

It is quite cool to day. There is none of the folks to church to day. There is no preaching at Lees church to day. A. Boyd was down to church.

The last fight of the war.
Once more rings out the bugle call
Once more the banner flies!
Once more the
Boys are gathering.
Beneath the Autumn skies.
For Treason makes
its final fight
Against the rights of Man.
But the flag we 
raise as in other days
And Grant is in the van.
Brushland 1868

Friday, October 17, 2014

Saturday, October 17, 1868 – “The ground is covered with Snow to day.”

The ground is covered with Snow to day. It is very cold to day. I was doing chores to day. Frank was over here to day on a visit. 1868. R. Biggar was in here to day. Brushland. A. Liddles Vendue came off to day. His cows averaged over $43 a head, nine cows $389. It was very cold to night. I saw Thid Dickson to day. Jim Douglas was Auctioneer. I saw Ed Graham up to A. Liddles to day. I saw Mag. Liddle up to A. Liddles to day. Bovina. 1868. Brushland.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday, October 16, 1868 – “Thunder all along the sky.”

This is a fine day. 1868. I was diging potatoes to day. 36 15 bl to day. A. Boyd is down to day. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. Ed Graham was here this morning, he is selling a book. I bought one from him. $3.00. 1868. The name of the Book, Sunshine and Shaddow in New York City.* Thunder all along the sky.

Ohio 17.000
Indiana 1.500
Nebraska 2.200
West Virginia 5.000
Pennsylvania 10.000
*This book was by Matthew Hale Smith and was a series of stories about New York City.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, October 15, 1868 – “This is a cloudy day.”

This is a cloudy day. Mrs. Mary Stott is here this morning. 1868. Her and Net and Ann and Hatt. Stott and I went over to Uncle George Stotts to day. It was 7 o’clock when we got home. Thare was a meeting in Brushland to night. Hon. Miller and Mr. Fero were speakers to night. Thare was a Vendue at J. Blairs old place to day. Brushland. Wat. Stott came to George Stott to day. It was 8 oclock when we got through milking to night.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday, October 14, 1868 – “There was an apple-cut at John Lewises to night.”

This is a wet day. I was not doing much to day. Brushland. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. I got a letter for Jim to day, from Bill. There was an apple-cut at John Lewises to night. Ann & I were at it. John Forrest, Joe Forrest, Jane Forrest, U. Forrest, Tom Winter, Alice Russell, H. Warren, Bill Miller, Rob Biggar, Mary A. Thomson were at the apple-cut to night. Mrs. Mary Stott came here to night. D. Black fetched her up here to night.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday, October 13, 1868 – “R. Forrest had a Stone-bee to day.”

This has been a fine day. I was diging potatoes to ay. We dug 21 bl of potatoes to day. This is school meeting night. 1868. I was down to it they put Dick Thomson in for Trustee, R. Biggar for Collector, R. Forrest had a Stone-bee to day. I saw Tom Winter to night also G. Cable. Jim Douglas was over here to night with some apples to make cider. T. Forrest is Dist Clerk.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday, October 12, 1868 – “I am peeling apples to night.”

This is a tolerable fine day. It is very Windy to day. I was diging potatoes this forenoon, and picking apples this afternoon. Mrs. Boyd was n here this afternoon. Thare was preaching in Brushland to day. R. Scott was up by this afternoon. I am peeling apples to night. Brushland. R.T. Scott was up to M. Tuttles to by his farm. He did not buy it. Ever thing is still to day. Brushland Del Co N.Y. Walter J. Coulter. 1868

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sunday, October 11, 1868 – “Trains are running 325 miles east of Sacramento…”

This is a fine day. Some of the folks are to church to day. There is sacrament at Lees Church today. There was some over from New Kingston to church to day. Thid Dickson was down to church to day. He had the one-horse wagon there was a woman with him. 1868. The woman was Mrs. Gowanlock. 

Trains are running 325 miles east of Sacramento on the Central Pacific Road. California.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saturday, October 10, 1868 – “I feel rather old to day."

It has been a fine day. I was diging potatoes to day. Thare is preaching in Brushland to day. Some of the folks were to Church to day. Ann came home to night. I feel rather old to day. The cows were not milked last night. They give a lot of milk to night.

How are you, 
Andrew Johnson?
Hadn’t you better 
Swing around the circle again.

New York city has 600 lottery shops.
Beef cattle are selling at fifty cents a head in Texas.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday, October 9, 1868 – "We milked the cows before daylight this morning."

This has been a fine day. We were up this morning before 4 o’clock. We went to the Delhi Fair to day. We milked the cows before daylight this morning. 1868.
There was a very large crowd at the Fair to day. I saw A. Scott at the Fair to day. Thare was a trotting match to day for a purse of $125.00. There was a husking bee at Dick Thomsons to night. I was at it. They danced some to night. It was two o’clock when we got home to night.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thursday, October 8, 1868 – “The Democracy is beyond the reach of Remedies.”

This is a cloudy wet day. This is Fast day. Thare was none of the folks to Church. A. Liddle was down to church to day. Every thing is very still and quiet to day. The Delhi Fair was to commence to day again.
[I shaved to day.] 1868 [My age 25 years & 8 months & 4 days]

Seymour to Grant. 1863;
Where are your victories?
Grant to Seymour, 1868;
Where are your victories?
The Democracy is beyond the reach of Remedies. Gen. Grant

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wednesday, October 7, 1868 – “Thare was a mass meeting in Brushland to night.”

This is a fine day. I was diging potatoes to day. Thare was a mass meeting in Brushland to night. I was down to it.
The Bovina Lancers were out to night. The Andes Unconditionalls were over to Brushland to night. Prof Miller was the principle speaker to night. Lawyer Johnson from Andes was also thare. I saw Jim to night. I had the wagon down to night. Alice Russell and Ann were down to night. I left the horses at D. Coulters. Brushland

Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday, October 6, 1868 – “It was a large funeral.”

It is somewhat cool to day. I was not doing much to day. Brushland. We were all away to a funeral to day at John Millers, his wife was burryed to day.* It was a large funeral. T. Forrest had a husking bee to night. I was at it. I was into D. Blacks to night. Ann was down to D. Blacks to night. We got through husking by 10 oclock to night. All quiet on the Potomac. 
Brushland Del Co, N.Y.
Walter J. Coulter, 1868

*This was Nancy Armstrong Miller (1821-1868), who was married to John Thomas Miller in 1849. She died October 4. Her daughter Nancy married Alexander Burns.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday, October 5, 1868 – “There was 46 ½ bushels of Buckwheat this year.”

This has been a fine day. Some of the folks went to Andes to day. There was a new lumber Wagon got to day. I measured up the Buckwheat to day. There was 46 ½ bushels of Buckwheat this year. Net Ann and I were over to R. Scotts to night. R. Scott cut my hair to night.

The State Fair at Rochester was very largely attended. The first day’s receipts were $6.000
Bovina Sept 29.30.Oct 1 1868

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sunday, October 4, 1868 – “Thare was a frost this morning.”

[NOTE: This entry has offensive language.]

This is a fine day. Thare was a frost this morning. Some of the folks are to Church to day. [I shaved to day. My age 25 years & 8 months.] O. Dickson went down to Brushland to day. Ann came home to day. 

Democracy, their last son.
Niggar slim! Niggar slick!
Niggar bald, niggar wool!
‘Gainst the niggar let us pull!
Still on matter what they think!
Cuss these niggars how they stink!
Up the hill
Down the level!
Let us fork each wooly devil!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Saturday, October 3, 1868 – “I was shooting this afternoon.”

[NOTE: This entry has offensive language.]

This is a cloudy day. I was not doing much to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland this forenoon. 1868. I was shooting this afternoon. Brushland. Thare was to be a Club meeting in Brushland to night.

Niggar! Niggar!! Niggar!!! Niggar!!!!
He nigger! She nigger!
Big niggar! Little niggar!
Old niggar! Young niggar!
Niggas up! Nigar down!
Niggas preacher! Niggar clown!
Niggar hence! Niggar thence!
There’s a niggar on the fence!
Niggar this! Niggar thick!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday, October 2, 1868 – “It only takes 11 days for newspapers to reach New York from California.”

This is a cloudy wet dam cold kind of day. It rained some to day. We cleaned up the Buckwheat to day. A. Boyd is down by to day. Mr. Gowanlock went down by this afternoon. Ann is not home yet. Alice Russell went down to day.

It only takes 11 days for newspapers to reach New York from California.
Including the city officials, it is estimated that there are ten thousand thieves in New York city.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thursday, October 1, 1868 - “The County Fair finished up to day.”

This is a cloudy day. It rained some to day. This is the first day of October 1868. Bovina. We finished thrashing the Buckwheat to day. The County Fair finished up to day. A. Boyd is getting his farm surveyed to day, by Mr. Hawks. Solomon Green’s Brother is superintending the surveying Brushland. I helped to peel some apples to night 1868. Alice Russell and Jane Gill were at a spree to night at Mrs. Closes. N. Kingston