Monday, March 31, 2014

Tuesday, March 31, 1868 - "...missed all the fun."

This is the last day of March 1868. I was out with the gun this afternoon. I feel mighty weak to day. Brushland. They are boiling sap to day.
Thid and O. Dickson and Add. Scott were here to night they stayed till 12 o’clock. Add. Scott stayed all night. They had quite a joly time I was to bed and missed all the fun. Bovina. Brushland Del. Co.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Monday, March 30, 1868 - "Everything seems dark and dreary to me..."

This is a very fine day. I am up to day. But I feel mighty weak. The sap is runing to day. They are working in the sap bush to day. Thare has been no one here to day. 
It looks like spring to day. Brushland. 
One year ago today Mary and Sarah Gowanlock are here. 1868
A.Boyd went up with a cow to night. 1868.
Everything seems dark and dreary to me. Brushland.
So let the world jog along as it will I’ll be gay and

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sunday, March 29, 1868 - "I feel very weak today."

This is a very fine day. I am up to day. Jim is home to day. Thare is none of the folk to Church to day. Thid. Dickson was in here this forenoon. Add. Scott was here to day. him an Thid Dickson went down to Church. R. Scott was here to day. Bovina. Bill White was here to day. Brushland. I feel very weak today. I hope I shall be well in a few days so that I can go to work again. A. Liddle was down to church.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday, March 28, 1868 - "I got up to day."

This is a very fine day. I got up to day. They were boiling sap to day. Mrs. Liddle was down here to day. The sap has run good to day. Brushland.
I was fiddleing to day fill the rest out at your leasure.
This has been a noted week for making Sugar. I have not done anything at the Sugar making this spring so far. But I hope I shall be able to help a little. The month of March is about gone for this year.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friday, March 27, 1868 - "I am Still lying in bed yet."

I am Still lying in bed yet. Ann was down to Brushland to day. I got a letter from Bill to day. He rote it when he was on the caribean Sea. He gives a discription of his journey to thare. He would be in Aspinwall on Friday the 14th of March.

Now the winter winds retire,
And the winter ice is breaking.
And the old folks by the fire
Sit and talk of sugar making.
Tis the wild and windy March
And the month the question settles
That ‘tis time to mend the arch
And to scour the rusty kettles

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday, March 26, 1868 - "The Doc was up to see me to day."

I am in bed to day. The measles are going away some to day. The Doc was up to see me to day.
Mat. Lambert was in to see me to day. Jim was home to day. The sap did not run very good to day.

Oh, the gladdest time of year
Is the merry sugar making,
When the swallows first appear.
And the sleepy buds are waking.
Soon the blue birds and the bees
O’er the stuble will be winging;
So ‘tis time to tap the trees
And to set the axe a-ringing
Sugar season. 1868

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wednesday, March 25, 1868 - "Time passes off very slowly I think."

I am still in bed yet. This is a fine day I supose. Brushland. I cannot tell what is going on to day. But one thing I do know and that is I feel very miserable. The folks are working in the sapbush to day. Harry Warren was over here to night. What trouble I am haveing with the measles. I hope to be better some time. Brushland. Time passes off very slowly I think. 1868
What a World to live in.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tuesday, March 24, 1868 - "The Measels are a very miserable thing to have..."

This is suposed to be a fine day. But as for me I do not know what kind of a day it is. I am in bed to day. The measels came out on me to day for the first. The Doc was up to see me to night. he left some medecine for me to take. The Measels are a very miserable thing to have. you may bet your life on that. Oh Dear Oh. Brushland Del. Co

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monday, March 23, 1868 - "I took three pills today."

It is some warmer to day. I got up this morning but soon went to bed again. I was very sick to day. I took three pills today. Thid and O. Dickson were in here to night. They went up to J. Miller to night. They stoped when they came back. O. Dickson stayed with me all night. Wat Hammond was up this way to day. Ann was washing to day. One year ago to day. I was drawing manure. Brushland Del. Co. N.Y.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sunday, March 22, 1868 - "I went to bed this afternoon."

This is a cool day. Thare was some of the folks to Church to day. I am still up and around to day. Yet. But I feel very miserable. I went to bed this afternoon. I cannot tell much what is going on to day. 

‘Tis home where e’re the heart is 
So the poet tells us true
And our native hills
Our own loved homes,
Our memories oft review
Brushland Del. Co N.Y.

This is a dreary day for me. O Dear Oh.
Way down upon the old plantation far away.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Saturday, March 21, 1868 - "I am taking the measels to day."

This is a very stormy day. It has snowed and blowed from the west all day. I  am about used up to day. I have a bad cold.
I have been in the house to day. Brushland. O. Dickson was in here. This afternoon he fetched up the Newspapers.
I am taking the measels to day.

There are 17 cities in this State – Albany, Auburn, Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Buffalo, Brooklyn, Rochester, New York, Lockport, Utica, Syracuse, Newburgh, Oswego, Troy, Binghamton, Elmira, Schenectady.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friday, March 20, 1868 - "I do not feel very well to day."

It is quite cool to day. The wind is south to day. I was doing chores to day. I do not feel very well to day. Thare was some wood sawed to day. Jermey Dickson was over here this afternoon.

Thare are 70.000 Hebrews in New York City.
Johnson’s* counsel are Stanberry, Nelson, Evarts, and Jerry Black.
Montana is three times as large as Missouri and has a population of 65.000
Brushland and Del. Co
The Independent. 1868
*This is a reference President Andrew Johnson, who had been impeached in February 1868 by the house and was being tried by the Senate in March.  He survived being removed from office.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thursday, March 19, 1868 - "Everything remains quiet."

This is a tolerable fine day. I was sawing wood this forenoon. I took the sap utensils up to the sugar camp this afternoon. Mary Lewis was in here this forenoon. her and Dill went over to Andes to day. Nancy Boyd was down her to night.
Jim went over to Franks this morning.
Thare was a Vendue at john Armstrongs to day. 
One year ago to night I was down to Brushland.
Everything remains quiet.
Fill the rest out at your leasure.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wednesday, March 18, 1868 - "The wind is west to day."

It is not so warm to day. The wind is west to day. Sawing wood is the principle occupation to day. It is quite cold to night. Thare was a Vendue at John Deans to day. Nancy Boyd was in here to day. Lill and Ann were up to Mr. Tuttles to night. Brushland. H. Liddle was here to night. I was reading to night.
One year ago to day. John Scott was here Bill cut his hair. It was a cold cay if I may so term it.
Brushland Del. Co
Walter J. Coulter

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tuesday, March 17, 1868 - "The snow is about all away except on Pisgah."

It is very warm to day. Murcury up to 63 [degrees] above zero. I was helping to saw wood to day. Jim was sawing wood to day.
The watter is high to day. Some of the folks were over to Franks to day. A. Liddle went down by to day to Brushland. The snow is about all away except on Pisgah.
One year ago to day it snowed all day. 1867

“When land are gone
And money spent
Then learning 
Is most excellent
Brushland. W.J.C.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Monday, March 16, 1868 - "Sawing wood is the principle occupation to day."

This is a warm day. Murcury up to 62 [degrees] to day. Sawing wood is the principle occupation to day. Jim is sawing wood to day. Bovina. It is thawing very fast to day. The water is raising fast to day. It is very quiet times at present if I may so term it. Andrew Russell was here today. It is raining some to night. I was reading to night. One year ago to day it was snowing. same day A. Golden and Isabela Scott was here. Bovina. Brushland Delaware Co
Brushland. 1868

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sunday, March 15, 1868 - "But think of the vices and sins..."

This is a fine day. Thare is none of the folks to Church to day. 1868
I was doing the chores to day. D. Gill went down this morning. I am reading today. 1868. 

Dont Leave the Farm

Come, boys, I have something to tell you
Come near, I would whisper it low-
You are thinking of leaving the homestead
Don’t be in a hurry to go.
The city has many attractions, 
But think of the vices and sins
When once in the vortex of fashion,
How soon the course downward begins.
The great busy West has inducements.
And so has the busiest mart.
But wealth is not made in a day boys,
Don’t be in a hurry to start.
The farm is the safest and surest.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Saturday, March 14, 1868 - "None one to love, none to caress..."

This is a warm day. I was drawing Manure to day. Jim was sawing wood to day. Mag. Liddle is here this morning. her and Lill went over to Lewises to day. Frank and Jim Boyd were down here to night. A. Boyd was down to Brushland. he got the Newspapers to day. 1868. 
One year ago to day Bill Whites school finished. 
I was reading tonight. John S.C. Abbots Civil War. 

The total length of telegraphic lines in the world is 178.086 miles. U.S. 52.957
“None one to love, none to caress
Fill the rest out at your leasure.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Friday, March 13, 1868 - "Brigham Young has seventy-two children."

It is warm to day. I was cuting straw this forenoon. We drawed the straw up to the Barn this afternoon. I also drawed some manure this afternoon. Bovina. Jim came home to night. Mrs. Liddle Mag. Liddle Cill. Liddle Jane Gill are here this afternoon. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. It rained some this morning

Brigham Young has seventy-two children.
In 1744 the winter was very cold. Snow fell in Portugal to the depth of twenty-three feet on a level.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thursday, March 12, 1868 - "This is a tolerable fine day."

This is a tolerable fine day. It threatens a Storm to day. I was doing the chores to day. I was spliting wood this forenoon. Mag. Liddle Mag. Lewis Mary Lewis came here this forenoon. Jane Gill and Hank Liddle came here this afternoon. They all went up to A. Liddles to night. D. Gill and John Forrest were up to A. Liddles to night. Ellen Armstrong is married to night. Ann was at the wedding. Thare was a Vendue at Mr. Clemens to day. 1868
I am all alone to night. Jim is not at home to day.
*Ellen Armstrong was the daughter of John Armstrong and Isabella Coulter.  She married John Foster on March 12, 1868.  They had 6 children, all born in Shushan, Washington State.  Ellen died in 1915 in San Francisco. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wednesday, March 11, 1868 - "I had a very hard job to get out of Basin Clove."

This is a fine day. 1868. I am in the Town of Hamden this morning in Basin Clove. I came home to day. I had a very hard job to get out of Basin Clove. I had to draw the cutter by hand a quarter of a mile. I saw Sandy White to day he was going to Walton. He starts for the West next week Monday. I met Wat. Stott when I was comeing up to day. Stotts folks are moveing to Lansingville this week. O. Dickson is here to  night he stayed all night. Thare is a Vandue* at R.O. Gladstones to day. Brushland.
*Vendue - auction

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday, March 10, 1868 - "I’ll be gay and Happy still."

This is a warm thawing day. It has rained some to day. Wind Southwest. I am not at home to day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day at Mr. Wilbers in Basin Clove. Thare is an Auction Sale at James Scotts to day. Jim was over to it. I cannot tell what is going at home to day. I am down with my [dear net to day]. One year ago to day was Sunday and the folks were to Church. You may fill the rest out at your leasure. 
So let the world jag along as it will 
I’ll be gay and Happy still.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday, March 9, 1868 - "My dear Net went with me..."

It is also warm to day. I went to Hamden to day. 
[My dear Net went with me]
I am in the Town of Hamden in Basin Clove to night. I had a very hard jot to get to Basin Cove to day. I went through Lansingville to day. Hamden Delaware.
One year ago to day Bill White was here. I received an invitation to a wedding to day. Ellen Armstrong is going to be married on Tuesday night at 6 ½ oclock to Mr. Foster of Washington Co. I saw Gelana Neish to day.
Brushland Del. County.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sunday, March 8, 1868 - "Love is the wealth of life..."

This is a warm day. Thare is none of the folks to Church to day.
The snow is thawing fast to day.
I shaved to day.
I was doing chores to day. 1868.

Love is the wealth of life,
Without it we are poor, 
Though everything else 
Be lying at the door.
Love is above rubies,
More beautiful than pearls.
As it adorns the life,
For this and other worlds.
Happiness is like manna;
It is to be gathered in
Grains, and enjoyed every day.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Saturday, March 7, 1868 - "...good prospects of a thaw...."

This is the warmest day we have had in over two months. I was doing chores to day. Jim was down to Brushland to day. It is raining some to day. Thare is good prospects of a thaw I  think now. One year ago to day my throat was sore and Mary Lewis was here.
It is very still times at present. M. Tuttle was down to Brushland to day. Thare is a large quantity of snow on the ground at the present time.
Walter J. Coulter.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Friday, March 6, 1868

This is a stormy day. It is snowing to day. We finished cleaning oats to day. A. Liddle went down by to day.
Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. Jim was up to A. Liddles to night. Brushland, Del. Co. I was doing chores to day.

Farraguts* father was a Levanter born on the Island of Minorca (Spain). 
Louis Napoleon gets $14.240 a day. Queen Victoria, $6.027, Francis Joseph, $10.000 and the King of Prussia $8.210.
Lord Brougham** has lost the use of his tongue and limbs. 
Lady Fitz Maurice is said to be the best looking woman in England.

*This is referring to David Farragut, a naval officer in the Civil War, famous for the phrase "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
**This is a reference to British Statesman Henry Brougham, later Lord Brougham. He died in May 1868, a few months shy of 90.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thursday, March 5, 1868

This is a very fine day. I am at Mr. Stotts this morning. We came home this forenoon.
We drawed some hay into the wagonhouse this afternoon. A. Liddle was down as far as here this afternoon. W.W. Forrest, Jim Gowalock and Bill Sail from New York at Noon to day. 
One year ago to day I was drawing manure.
Bill White has an exhibition to night at the School where he taught this winter. S. White was at it. 1868. Walter J. Coulter, Bovina, Brushland, Del.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wednesday, March 4, 1868 - "It is not so cold to day."

It is not so cold to day. Murcury at zero this morning. I am doing chores to day. John Forrest is up here to night. [My dear Net] & Ann and I went down to Mr. Stotts to night. We stayed all night. Net. Rutherford is at Mr. Stotts. She is working their. Acording to reports Net. Stotts and Tom. Hillson are married to night.* I was down to the croch of the roads this forenoon. Brushland. 1868
I slept in Mr. Stotts house to night for the first time in my life.

* Thomas Hilson (1837-1907), son of William Hilson and Elizabeth Strangeway, married Jeannette Orr Stott (1842-1929), daughter of George Stott and Ellen Storie.   

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tuesday, March 3, 1868 - "This is a very hard winter."

This is a very cold day. Murcury 8 [degrees] below zero. I am not doing much to day. Jim is thrashing to day. Frank Boyd was here to day. Murcury 12 [degrees] below zero to night. It is very still & quiet today. This is a very hard winter. Thid Dickson went up by to day.

Chips and Shaveings
Men in looking at the faults of women should shut their eyes.
Why is dancing like milk? Because it strengthens the calves.
Which is the largest room in the world? The room for improvement.
Some fishermen use cotton for bait – so do some woman.
When is a ship like a book? When it is outward bound of course.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Monday, March 2, 1868 - "I was thrashing this afternoon"

This is a very cold and Stormy day. It is snowing to day from the North East. Bill Started for California to day.* W.W. Forrest also started for California to day. I took Bill down to T. Forrests this forenoon. I bid them good by. 1868.
O. Dickson was in here to day. He went down to T. Forrests with us. Sandy White went up by this afternoon. Brushland. Bill Telford of Andes was here to day. Brushland. I was thrashing this afternoon. Jim was over for Dick Thompsons to night.

*This likely is his brother Bill, who settled in California and died there in 1883.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sunday, March 1, 1868 - "We know this world is transient..."

This is a fair kind of a day. This is the first day of March. Some of the folks are to Church to day.
This is the last Sunday for Bill in New York State. Thid Dickson went down to Church to day. 1868
[My dear wife & I are at home] in Bovina. Del. Co. NY.

Lines Poetry.
We journey on; this wilderness
Is not our final home;
We journey on; thare is a bourne(?).
From whence we'll not return.
We know this world is transient;
Hence we our lamps should trim
That when the Bridgegroom comes and calls
We'll enter in with him.