Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friday, July 31, 1868 - "I got 1 horse shod to day."

This is a warm day. A.J. Scott, Ann and I went down to Brushland this forenoon.
I got 1 horse shod to day. 4 new shoes put on. A.J. Scott came home with me, he went over to Andrew McFarland* to night. Brushland.
I sold the calves to day to Jim Douglass. I also sold the Lambs to Jim Elliott. 1868
I sold the Lambs for $100 and the Calves for $50. Brushland
It rained to day. It thundered hard to night.

*This is either Andrew Thomas McFarland (1805-1881) or his son Andrew T. McFarland (1842-1918)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thursday, July 30, 1868 - "It rained this forenoon."

A.J. Scott finished work.
This has been a warm day. It rained this forenoon. We drawed in 80/9 loads of hay to day. We finished haying to day. 1868
Jane Gill went up by to day.
Jane Lambert was in here to night.
We were over to Mr. Dicksons to night. Mr. Tyler was up to Dicksons, Bovina.
A.J. Scott was with us. It was 12 o clock when we got home to night.
Brushland Del Co N.Y.
W.J. Coulter Bovina.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wednesday, July 29, 1868 - "It rained a little to night."

This has been a warm day. Drawing hay and rakeing hay has been the principle occupation to day. Brushland.
We drawed in 71/6 loads of hay to day. A.J. Scott and Bart & I were in washing to night. Bovina.
Tom Winter and Alice Russell were up here to night.
I[t] thundered to night. Alice Russell was also up to M. Tuttles to night. They stayed here till 11 o clock. Bovina. 1868.
It rained a little to night.
Brushland Del Co N.Y.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tuesday, July 28, 1868 - "I am very glad we have finished mowing."

It has been a fine day. I was mowing with the machine to day. We finished mowing to day. Brushland.
I am very glad we have finished mowing.
Bell McPherson and Bell Elliott were up here to day picking Berrys.
Thid Dickson was over here to night.
A.J. Scott Cut his hair to night. 1868
We were trying tricks.
A. Liddle finished haying to day. 1868
It thundered to day. and threatened rain.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Monday, July 27, 1868 - "For next President we nominate Our own Ulysses Grant!"

This has been a fine day. I was mowing with the Machine to day. We drawed in 65/6 loads of hay to day. Every thing is quiet today. 

For with President Ulysses 
Will be few who care to fight – 
May he rule the country he has saved,
And God defend the right!
So, boys! A final bumper
While we all in chorus chant-
For next President we nominate
Our own Ulysses Grant!
For ‘twas there to our Ulysses
That Lee gave up the fight.[
Now, boys To Grant for President,
And God defend the right!
Ulysses Grant. 1868

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sunday, July 26, 1868 - "I was picking Huckleberys and peas to day."

This is a very fine day. Some of the folks are to Church to day. I was picking Huckleberys and peas to day. 1868
[I had one lovely f**k to day.]
A.J. Scott is to church to day. A. Boyd went down to Church to day. 1868

The driver of a stage coach near Cooperstown, in this State, was asked if his was an emigrant stage. “Well,” he rejoined, “I don’t know about the Emi, but it is a darned good Grant stage, I know.

Brushland. Bovina. 
Delaware Republican.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Saturday, July 25, 1868 - "This has been a fair day."

This has been a fair day. I was mowing to day. We drawed in 59/6 loads of hay to day. A. Boyd went down by to night. 1868.
A.J. Scott was over to Mr. Whites to night.
[A.J. Scott sparked Alice Russell] to night [at Mr. Black’s]. Every thing remains quiet and still to night.

Like many other Serpentine productions, the Democartic ticket carries its sting in its tail.
The Rondout Freeman gives notice that the flies in that village are 674 to the square inch.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Friday, July 24, 1868 - "We were pitching ringers to night."

This is a cloudy day. It rained some to day. A.J. Scott and I were mowing by hand to day. Bovina.
We did not draw in any hay to day. Tom Hoy* was up to M. Tuttles to day. Frank Gowanlock and O. Dickson were here tonight. We had a gay old time to night. 1868.
We were pitching ringers to night. Frank G. and I against A.J. Scott and Bart. We came out even. B.C. Brushland Del. Co NY.

*Thomas Hoy (1832-1914), son of Robert Hoy and Nancy Bailey. He was married to Julia Ann Tuttle (1837-1907)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thursday July 23, 1868 - "Gen William S. Rosecrans has been nominated and confirmed Minister to Spain."

This is a fine day. I did not mow any with the Machine to day. Brushland.
We drawed in 53/3 loads of hay to day.
We mowed the little orchard to day. One year ago to day the horses run away. It was a very warm day.
Brushland Bovina.

More than 10,000 persons greeted Hon. John A. Griswold* on his return home from Washington.
Gen William S. Rosecrans has been nominated and confirmed Minister to Spain.

*Griswold was in Congress from 1863 to 1869. In 1868 he ran as the Republican candidate for Governor of New York but was defeated by the Democrat John Thompson Hoffman.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday, July 22, 1868 - "I am mowing with the Machine to day."

This is a warm day. I am mowing with the Machine to day. We drawed in 50/4 loads of hay to day.
Jim Laughran went up with a drove* to day.
R. Scott was with him. Brushland.
R. Scott stoped whare I was mowing. 1868.

I wish I was an editor,
I really do indeed;
It seems to one that editors
Get everything they need.
They get the biggest and the best
Of everything that grows,
And get in free to circuses
And other kind of shower.

*A drove is a large group of animals moving together. In this instance, it probably means a drove of cows or sheep.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday, July 21, 1868 - "It has been another warm day."

It has been another warm day. 1868.
Murcury up to 82? to day. We drawed in 46/2 loads of hay to day. Their was a metting in Brushland to night called a Sciocial. J.J. Scott and Ann were down to it. They did not come home to night. Frank was over here to night, he was after help. Bovina.
It threat[en]ed rain to day. Brushland. Salinis Monterary Co Cal
W.J. Coulter 1868

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Monday, July 20, 1868 - "Every thing remains quiet and uncomonly Still to day."

This is a warm day. I was mowing with the machine to day. We drawed in 44/8 loads of hay to day. We mowed the flat to day. Brushland.
Thare is a Show in Brushland to night. Murcury up to 82? to day. It thundred to day. Whites folks are cuting their rye to day. Dick Thompson is working in his Big meadow this week. 1868
Every thing remains quiet and uncomonly Still to day. Bovina

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sunday, July 19, 1868 - "All quiet on the Potomac."

It is warm to day. Some of the folks were to church to day. A.J. Scott was to Church to day. 1868
Alice Russell is here this morning.
A.J. Scott and I were up to Mr. Gowanlocks to night. Brushland. Murcury up to 82? to day. All quiet on the Potomac.
Frank Gowanlock went home to day.

Bringeth she sadness?
Bow to His world.
O’er Past and o’er future
Dim shadows recline.
Heart be thou manful.
The present is thine?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Saturday, July 18, 1868 - "Thare is an old woman party up to M. Tuttles to night."

This has been a warm day. Thermometer up to 82? in the shade to day. We drawed in 36/4 loads of hay to day. Alice Russell was up here to night. She stayed all night. A.J. Scott and I were in washing to night. Thare is an old woman party up to M. Tuttles to night. R. Scott finished haying to day. Brushland. Alice Russell was writeing a letter to night to Lill in Wolfhollow.
Brushland, Del. Co. N.Y.
1868. W.J.C.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Friday, July 17, 1868 - "Thare was picked one pint of Rasburys to day for the first."

This has been a warm day. We drawed in 32/5 loads of hay to day. I was mowing with the Machine this forenoon. Some of the folks went Brushland to night. A.J. Scott and I were mowing by hand to night after super. A.J. Scott is taping his Boot to night. 1868
Thare was picked one pint of Rasburys to day for the first. 

Go forth to greet her,
For weal or for woe.
Bringeth she gladness?
Praise though the Lord.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thursday, July 16, 1868 - "It is very still times at present I think."

It is still warm and dry as ever yet. 1868
I am mowing with the Machine to day.
We drawed in 27/3 loads of hay to day. It is very still times at present I think. We did not rake and to day. Bovina.
It is very busy times at present working in the hay. Brushland.

Watch and fight bravely
Against sloth and sin;
Pray for the Spirit,
The victory to win.
Cometh the future
Veiled and slow?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday, July 15, 1868 - "We had a cow coming to day."

This is also a very warm day.
Thermometer up to 95(degrees) in the shade to day. We drawed in 24/5 loads of hay to day. I was mowing with the Machine to day. John Hastings was here to day he wanted to bye the Lambs. One year ago to day A.J. Scott commenced to work for me. 1867.
We had a cow coming to day. Brushland
John Hastings did not buy the Lambs to day.
Brushland Del Co, N.Y.
Brushland 1868

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tuesday, July 14, 1868 - "It is the hotest day that I ever saw."

This is a very hot day. It is the hotest day that I ever saw. Thermometer up to 96 (degrees) in the shade to day. We drawed in 19/4 loads of hay to day. I was mowing with the Machine to day. A. Baily is up to M. Tuttles to day. The horse rake broke down to night when we were rakeing. We had to rake some by hand to night.

Oh! would that we had charity.
For every man and woman.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Monday, July 13, 1868 - "...More precious than gold."

It is very warm to day. I am mowing with the Mower to day. Thermometer up to 92(degrees) in the shade to day. We drawed in 15/4 loads of hay to day. 
A. Baily is up to Tuttles to day. He is working in the hay. 

Close up the record
Fraught with such pain;
Years that have vanished
Return not again.
Grasp thou the Present
Be earnest and bold –
Fleeting its moments,
More precious than gold.

NUMBER. 1868

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sunday, July 12, 1868 - "Thare is some of the folks to Church to day."

This is a hot day. Thare is some of the folks to Church to day. Thermometer up to 82(degrees) in the shade to day. A.J. Scott was to Church to day. 1868.
Tom Anderson* was up to A. Liddles to night. Brushland.
D. Gill was up to A. Liddles to day.
[I had one lovely f**k] to day. Brushland. 1868
Jane Gill was with D. Gill to day. 1868
Bill White was over here to day after eye watter[?].
Brushland. 1868

*This probably was Thomas James Anderson (1844-1912) who was married to Marinda Jane McFarland.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Saturday, July 11, 1868 - "A.J. Scott and I were in washing to night."

It is very warm to day. I was mowing to day. We drawed in 11/5 loads of hay to day.
Frank was over here to day. he has a boil on his ankle.
A.J. Scott and I went over to R. Scotts to night. R. Scott Cut his hair to night. A.J. Scott and I were in washing to night. Alice Russell, Susan Thompson, Bill White, Gorge Cable* were over here to night. 1868.
Bill White was fiddleing to night. Brushland

*George Cable (1848-1930), married to Ellen Forrest (1860-1942)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friday, July 10, 1868 - "Jim Boyd is working for M. Tuttle this week."

This is a very hot day. Murcury up to 82 (degrees) to day. I am mowing to day with the Mower. We drawed in 6 loads of hay to day. 1868
Mrs. Black was up this way to day. Jim Boyd is working for M. Tuttle this week.

Heart gazing mournfully
Back through past years-
Bringing sad memories,
Laden with tears-
Life’s hours wasted,
Talents abused,
Bright opportunities
Blindly refused-

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thursday, July 9, 1868 - "We raked with the horse-rake to day."

This is a warm day. I am mowing with the Machine to day. We drawed in 1 load of hay to day. We raked with the horse-rake to day. 

Oh bring that flower, so sweet and mild
That blooms within the lea-
The fairest of earths choicest fair-
The purest, best to me;
Oh! let me taste its fragrant breath-
The rich and rare perfume.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wednesday, July 8, 1868 - "I commenced to mow with the Machine to day."

This is a fine day. I commenced to mow with the Machine to day. It looked like rain to day. Brushland. We were down to D. Blacks to night. O. Dickson was over here to night. he went down to D. Blacks with us. It was 11 o clock when we got home. 1868.
Ann got a letter from Bill yesterday from Cal. I saw Tom Winter to night. haying is a poor Show.
Brushland Del. Co N.Y.
W.J. Coulter Bovina.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Tuesday, July 7, 1868 - "I was hoeing potatoes this forenoon."

This is a warm day. I was hoeing potatoes this forenoon. A. Scott was helping me. We did not mow any to day.
A. Scott and I went up to Whites to night.
I saw Frank Gownlock, Harry Warren, John Forrest, Alice Russell, Susan Thompson, Tom Winter to night.
It rained to day and also thundered. A.J. Scott* Cut my hair to day. Bovina. 
Brushland. Del Co

*This might be Adam James Scott (1849-1924). Son of Francis Scott and Mary Sawyer, he married Sarah Hewitt in 1871.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Monday, July 6, 1868 - "We commenced haying to day."

A.J. Scott commenced to work.
This is a warm day. We commenced haying to day.
Adam Scott is helping me.
Some of the folks were over to Andes to day.
The rest of the Wool was taken away to day.
Their was 172 lbs of Wool. 
We did not do much at the hay to day.
I was doing chores to day.
The school marm was up this way to night.
M. Tuttle commenced haying to day. 1868.
I mowed a little this forenoon. Brushland.
A Scott and I were hoeing potatoes this forenoon.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sunday, July 5, 1868 - "I have a headache to day."

This is a very hot day. I have a headache to day. Thare is none of the folks to church to day. Thid Dickson, Tom Winter, Add Scott were in here this morning. They were going to Church in New Kingston. Adam Scott is here to night. Brushland. I saw Alice Russell and Harry Warren to night. Mercury up to 83 (degrees) to day. 

Oh! for a gentle 
loving bride.
In joy and sorrow to confide!
Wilt thou accept the office, miss,

And crown my highest hopes of bliss.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Saturday, July 4, 1868 - "I was hunting to day."

This is the Fourth of July 1868.
It has been very warm to day.
Thermometer indicates 88 (degrees) in the shade. I was hunting to day.
Jim came home to day. He went away again, he is working in Downsville Col.
Ann went to Delhi to day. Thid and O. Dickson went to Delhi to day. Bovina. I was in washing to day. Adam Scott came up to D. Blacks to night. 1868.
Brushland Del Co NY

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Friday, July 3, 1868 - "I am hoeing potatoes to day."

This is a very hot day. Murcury up to 84 (degrees) in the shade to day. I am hoeing potatoes to day. Brushland.
Mrs. Boyd was down here to day.
I plowed some the potatoes to day.

Bring me that gentle 
Lovely flower
That blossoms
In the dell,
For I do love
Its sweet perfume
Far more than
Words may tell;
Bring me the Flower I love.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday, July 2, 1868 - "This is a very warm day."

This is a very warm day. Thermometer indicates 88 (degrees) in the shade. Some of the folks were over to Andes to day.
Thare was some of the Wool taken away to day, sold for $1.40. I was not doing much to day. It thundered to day. Harry Warren was over here to night. He wanted the wagon.

Give me, dear girl.
one heavenly kiss,
And seal the 
measure of my bliss.
Brushland. 1868

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wednesday, July 1, 1868 - "I sold some old iron to day."

This is a warm day day. This is the first day of July 1868. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. Some of the folks were also down to Brushland. I sold some old iron to day. I was into D.L. Thompsons* Store to day. I saw R. Scott in Brushland to day. I have not done much to day. Brushland. 1868.

Thoult never find
A heart more true
Than mine,
which plights its vows to you.

*David Lyle Thomson (1851-1890) son of William Thomson and Amelia Lyle. He married Nancy Jane Scott in 1879.