Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday, April 30, 1868 - "Lill went over to Wolfhollow to day."

This is a tolerable fine day. This is the last day of May [sic] 1868.
I was drawing manure to day.
It rained to night. Lill went over to Wolfhollow to day. She is going to live in Wolf hollow this summer. 
M. Tuttle* was down by to day.

It is stated that Brick Pomeroy** has become a prominent member of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Florida Elections comes off in May.

*This may be Martin Tuttle (1831-1888), who married Mary Bailey in 1859.
**For more about Pomeroy, go to wikipedia at:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday, April 29, 1868 - "Dick Thompson is sowing oats to day."

This is a tolerable fine day. It rained to night. I was drawing Manure to day. 
Some of the folks were over to Franks to day. A. Liddle was down by to day.
Dick Thompson is sowing oats to day. One year ago to day the School commenced. The teacher E. Lull. Fill the rest out at your leasure.

Thare was three crows sat on a tree.
They were as black as black could be.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday, April 28, 1868 - "Thare is a Presbetry meeting in Brushland to day."

This is a very fine day. I was drawing manure to day. Thare is a Presbetry meeting in Brushland to day.* Some of the folks were down to it. John Solomon was here to day. I bought a pair of new suspenders. Solomon got dinner here to day. Thare was two cows comin to day. Major Liddle was here to night. He was after Lill.

*This meeting took place at the Bovina United Presbyterian Church. There was an incident involving his Uncle James and Aunt Nancy Coulter at this meeting.  Visit the Bovina NY History blog at for more information about what happened.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday, April 27, 1868 - "I took a tub of Butter down to Brushland to day."

This has been a fine day. I was down to Brushland this forenoon. Ann was down with me. I was up on the hill after a stick to make Barrposts*.
I was drawing manure this afternoon.  Frank was here to day. Jane Gill was in here to day. I took a tub of Butter down to Brushland to day. Thid and O. Dickson and Frank Gowanlock were here to night. They stayed til 12 o clock. We had a gay time to night. Brushland. 1868

*Barpost - a post sunk in the ground to receive the bars closing a passage into a field. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunday, April 26, 1868 - "You’ve a very good heart, And a very long nose."

This has been a fine day. Some of the folks were to Church to day. I was doing chores to day. Jim is home to day. He went to Brushland.

You come very often,
‘tis all very well
You’re a very fine man,
And a very big swell;
You’ve a very good heart,
And a very long nose.
But now to the point – 
Do you mean to propose.
You say that you love me,
But love all alone
To unmarried girls
Is a thing quite unknown.*

Oh Dear Oh;

*This come out of a poem that appears to have appeared in a magazine in February 1868.  It's part of a longer poem called "Do You Mean to Propose."

Friday, April 25, 2014

Saturday, April 25, 1868 - "Sauce for the goose is Sauce for the gander."

It is cool to day. Thare is snow on the ground to day. I was doing chores to day. I was up on the hill this afternoon cuting a tree for a Barrfrost. Jim is home to night. Boyd was down to Brushland to day. He fetched up the papers. The wind is East to day. 

Sauce for the goose is Sauce for the gander.
Those two lines that look so solemn,
Were put here just to fill the column.
Brushland. 1868

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friday, April 24, 1868 - "Thare was two funerals in Brushland to day."

This is a fine day. I was spliting wood to day. Thare was two funerals in Brushland to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland. Johny Scott* was buryed today.
Ann went down to D. Blacks to night. She stayed all night. Every thing remains still and quiet at present. I saw Sud. Gill to day. He was up to A. Liddles. Fill the rest out at your leasure. Brushland.
Walter J. Coulter.

*This was John F. Scott, the 11 year old son of John and Susan (Winter) Scott. He died April 22. The other funeral that day likely was that of Jane Black Murray, who died April 23 at the age of 78.  She was buried in the Old Associate Presbyterian cemetery at Reinertsen Hill Road.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday, April 23, 1868 - "It rained and snowed this afternoon."

It is not very warm to day. It rained and snowed this afternoon. I was up to the sapbush to day. The sap untensels were fetched down to day. I am doing chores to day. I have not been able to do very much for about five weeks. 1868

[possibly this is the continuation of the poem started the day before]
Home, with pure
And bright surroundings,
Leaves it
Impress on the soul.
Tress arranged with
Taste and order,
Flowers with all
Thier sweet delight.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wednesday, April 22, 1868 - "Memories of that pleasant home."

This is a fair kind of a day. Thare was some sap boilt to day. I was doing the chores to day. Thare was a cow comein to day.

Thare each heart
Will rest contented.
Seldom wishing
Far to roam.
Or, if roaming,
Still will cherish
Memories of 
That pleasant home.
Such a home
Makes man the better
Pure and
Lasting its control;
(poem appears to continue in the next day’s entry)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, April 21, 1868 - "Sugar making is about played out for this season."

This is a fine warm day. I was doing the chores to day. I was up to the sap-bush to day. Thare was a tub of Butter taken away to day. It was sent by Hastings & Hood. Some of the folks were over to Franks to day. I killed a calf to day. 
A. Liddle was boiling sap to day. Sugar making is about played out for this season. Bovina.
I disposed of two hundred Dollars to day.
Brushland. 1868

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Monday, April 20, 1868 - "He was after money."

This has been a wet day. The wind is South to day. Jim went down to Brushland this forenoon. He is going to work for James Elliott. Thare was a cow come in today.
E. Henderson was here this forenoon. He was after money.[He got one hundred dollars.] 
O. Dickson was over here this forenoon. I do not feel very bright to day.
D. Gill was here this afternoon.
Brushland Del. Co. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sunday, April 19, 1868 - "...And love belongs."

This is a fair kind of a day.
The folks were at Church to day. I was doing chores to day. I have a bad cold to day.

Seek to make your home most lovely
Let it be a smiling spot;
Where in sweet contentment resting
Care and sorrow are forgot;
Where the flowers
And trees are waveing,
Birds will sing
Their sweetest songs,
Where the purest thoughts will linger
And love belongs.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Saturday, April 18, 1868 - "He fetched up the papers."

It is not so warm to day. I was Boiling sap to day. It snowed some to day. Frank was up on the hill to day. Jim is home to night. Thare was a cow comin to day. A. Liddle was down to Brushland to day. He fetched up the papers. D. Gill was in here to night.

Dickens gives his farewell readings in New York this week. He is supposed to be the greatest novel writer out. He is an Englishman. Europe.
France. Nepoleon

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Friday, April 17, 1868 - "Boiling sap."

This is a fine warm day. It rained some to night. I was up to the sapbush all day Boiling sap. Ann is up to A. Liddles to night.
Four weeks ago to day I took the measles.

[President] Johnson would do well to ponder soberly the maxim “It is never to late to mend.” When he returns to his old avocation.
The fare from New York to Chicago by the Erie Railway, has been reduced to $20.25 and to Cincinnati, $19.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Thursday, April 16, 1868 - "Gen. Grants income is $30.000 a year."

This is a cloudy wet day. I was drawing sap this forenoon. I am spliting wood this afternoon. It rained this afternoon. Thare was a cow comin to day. Jim is at Dick Thompsons to day laying his cement floor in his cellar.
I was up to the sap-bush twice to day. 

Gen. Grants income is $30.000 a year.
Omaha is to have a $350.000 hotel.
Fill the rest out at your leasure. W.J. C.
Brushland. Del. Co.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 15, 1868 - "....cleaned out the sap-pails."

This is a fine day. I am at D. G. Landon’s this morning. It was 9 o clock when I got home. I went up to the sap bush this forenoon and cleaned out the sap-pails. I was spliting wood and doing chores this afternoon. Jim went over to Dick Thompsons to day. He came from Franks this forenoon. Bovina.

What burns to keep a secret? Sealing wax.
Bovina, W.J.C.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tuesday, April 14, 1868 - "I cannot tell what was going on at home to day."

It is cold this morning. It clouded up this afternoon and rained to night. I was up this morning by 4 o clock. I started for Hamden at 5 o clock. I got to Baisin[sic] Clove at 11 o clock. We started for home at 1 ½ o clock but did not get home. We stayed at D.G. Landon’s* all night. I cannot tell what was going on at home to day. I saw W. Stott in Lansingville to day. Thare was a calf got to day. It was a Bull calf.

*This probably is Landon’s hotel at the Hook.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Monday, April 13, 1868 - "Let your appetite always come uninvited."

It was very cold this morning. 
Jim cut my hair to day. I was splitting wood and doing chores to day. O. Dickson was in here to night. He had been over to Millers and Whites. I churned to day. 1868.

6 Cultivate a generous and an accommodating temper.
7 Never cross a bridge before you come to it.
8 Never eat when you are not hungry, or dirk when you are not thirsty.
9 Let your appetite always come uninvited.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunday, April 12, 1868 - "Go to bed at regular hours."

It is quite cool to day. Thare was none of the folks to Church to day. Thare was a cow comin to day. Fill the rest out at your leasure.

1 Cultivate a equable temper; many a man has fallen dead in a fit of passion.
2 Eat regularly not over thrice a day and nothing between meals.
3 Go to bed at regular hours.
4 Work always by the day, and not by the job.
5 Stop working before you are very much tired before you are fagged out.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Saturday, April 11, 1868 - "Lib Miller left Bovina to day for California."

This has been a pleasant day. I was spliting wood and doing the chores to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. A. Boyd was down here this forenoon. 1868
Jim came home to day. Lib Miller left Bovina to day for California. She is going to be Married to Rob. Smith before she starts for Ca.* I was looking through the spyglass to day. I saw Tom Winter drawing Manure for D. Black. A. Liddle went down by to day. Boyd was at Brushland to day. 1868
*Elizabeth Clark Miller, the daughter of John A. Miller and Elizabeth Telford, married Robert Smith (1832-1903), the son of Robert and Christiana Smith. Robert died in Fresno in 1903. I have not discovered when Elizabeth passed away.

From the Andes Recorder for April 16, 1868
Ho! For California – the following persons left for California on Monday last. Mssrs Robt. Smith, Daniel Smith and Jas. Armstrong, of Delhi, Mr. James Miller, of Bovina, and James Davidson of Andes, with their families; and Mr. John B. Scott of Bovina.  They will sail from New York on the 15th, by the North American Line, for San Francisco.  We wish them a safe passage and a pleasant journey.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Friday, April 10, 1868 - "I shot three crows to day."

This has been a stormy day. It snowed all day. I am doing chores to day. I shot three crows to day. One year ago to day I was boiling sap. Same day thare was teachers drill in Brushland. 

The farmer who comes home from town in an empty hayrack is laying the foundation for going to town with an empty pocket.
The Ohio State Fair is to be held at Toledo.
Vermont. Sylvanus Morse of East Montpelier is the maple sugar king of the State. He has 2.750 trees tap[p]ed and thus far has made 700 to 1.000 pounds.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thursday, April 9, 1868 - "They left me all alone."

This has been a cold day. The wind is west to day. Thare was hay drawed drawed in the wagon house. This forenoon Jim helped to draw hay to day. Jim went away to day. A. Liddle was down here this forenoon. Some of the folks were up to James Millers this afternoon on a visit. I was doing chores to day. One year ago to day we tap[p]ed(?) upon the hill. Same night some of the folks were up to A. Liddles. They left me all alone. Brushland. W. J. Coulter. New York 1868

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wednesday, April 8, 1868 - "To day it looks like the middle of winter."

This is a tolerable fine morning but the weather changed this afternoon. It was very Stormy this afternoon. It snowed very hard for a short time and was also very cold. Jim came home to day. he helped to draw a load of hay into the wagon house. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. I was doing chores to day. I killed a calf to day. To day it looks like the middle of winter. One year ago to day I was boiling sap. A. Telford was here in the morning. Brushland.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday, April 7, 1868 - "I was sawing away on the old fiddle to night."

This is a very Stormy day. It has snowed and blowed all day from the South. It has snowed one foot to day. Thid Dickson was over here to day. he got dinner here. He came over the hill with Lib and Aron Sprague of Middletown.
Thare was a Teachers drill in Brushland to day. 
Thare was a cow coming to day. Thair was to be a singing School in New Kingston to night.
I was sawing away on the old fiddle to night. I intended to go to Hamden to day but I have missed my mark afar [illegible]. 1868

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Monday, April 6, 1868 - "I feel some better to day."

It has been quit[e] cool to day.
I feel some better to day.
I was doing chores to day.
Jim Lauran was up here this forenoon. Jim came home to day. he went away again. Thare was a calf killed to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. I received two letters to day. One from New York and the other from [my dear wife] from Hamden. Ann is at the worst with the measles. 1868. Thare was some one went up to A. Liddles tonight.
Brushland. Bovina

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sunday, April 5, 1868 - "It is snowing and blowing."

This is a cold day.
It is snowing and blowing.
I do not feel any better.
This has been a long dreary day for me. Thare was two cows comin to day also one lamb. Thare was none of the folks to Church to day. Ann is in bed to day with the measles.
Murcury 12 [degrees] above zero to day.
One year ago to day John Winter moved down to Brushland also M. Tuttle moved. It was a wet day. Bovina. I helped them to move. 
Brushland Del. Co N.Y.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Saturday, April 4, 1868 - "The newspapers came up to day."

It is colder to day. I do not feel any better to day yet.
A. Liddle went down to Brushland to day. Jim Boyd went down this forenoon.
The newspapers came up to day. Brushland
Some of the folks were down to Brushland. 

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do to day.

Jim is over to Franks.
Oh what still times.
Thare has been on one here to day for a wonder.
Walter J. Coulter. Bovina

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Friday, April 3, 1868 - "Ann is taking the measles to day."

It is not so warm to day. Thare is some snow on the ground this morning. Thid Dickson went down to Brushland to day. Mr. Dickson was over here this forenoon. Mrs. Liddle was down here this forenoon. A. Boyd was down to Brushland. I was up on the hill this afternoon shooting chipmonks. I shot 19 today. Ann is taking the measles to day. 1868  Thare was a man here from Kortright to day he wanted to hire a girl.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thursday, April 2, 1868 - "I feel about the same to day."

It is raining this morning and also this afternoon. Brushland. I feel about the same to day. Which is miserable. Add. Scott is here this morning he went away this forenoon. he was going to Hamden. Jim came home this morning he went down to Brushland. Lill got home this afternoon. She came over by Gowanlocks. A. Boyd was down here to night. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. 1868.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wednesday, April 1, 1868 - "The sap has quit runing for the present time"

This is the first day of April. 1868. Bovina. It is called All fools day. It has been a very fine day. They were boiling Sap to day. It rained some this afternoon. 1868. Add. Scott was here to day. he stayed all night. he went over to R. Whites this afternoon. Brushland  Him and I were talking over old times to night. I feel very weak today. The sap has quit runing for the present time. I hope the sap will run some more this spring.