Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sunday, May 31, 1868 - "...As violets bathed in dew"

Brushland Del Co
It is not very warm to day. Some of the folks are to Church to day. This is the last day of May. 1868
I was out a viewing to day. Brushland.

I saw her but a moment.
Our words were very few
But sweet they and tender
As violets bathed in dew.
I saw her but a moment
With joy my heart was filled –
I would have died that instant.
If fate had only willed.
I saw her but a moment.
Oh come again sweet gleam.
And brighten with thy presence
The day start rising beam.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Saturday, May 30, 1868 - "We went to Andes to day"

This is a warm day. It rained to day. We went to Andes to day. John Forrest and Mary Lewis came home with us from Andes. I saw Tom Liddle in Andes to day. I was into Gladstones & Johnsons Hardware Store to day. 1868.
O. Dicksons was over here to night. He helped to fix a Sheep pen to night. I saw A. Liddle in Andes to day. 1868
One year ago to day O. Dickson was over here.
Brushland, Del Co.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 29, 1868 - "If a small boy is a lad, a big boy must be a ladder"

This is a fine day. It rained some to day. I was planting potatoes this forenoon. We finished planting potatoes to day. We finished planting the same time we did last year.
I was plowing this afternoon.

If a small boy is a lad, a big boy must be a ladder.
An ambitions machanic in New York displays as a sign” The First National Carpenter Shop.” 
A plea for the little folks.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thursday, May 28, 1868 - "We were planting potatoes this afternoon"

It looks like rain to day. We were planting potatoes this afternoon. I was drawing dung this forenoon.
Thare was Spelling School to night. I was down to it. R. Scott, Thid and O. Dickson, John Forest, Joe Forest, Mary Ann Thompson*, Alice Russell, Tom Winter, Jane Forrest, Miss Dysart, H. Warren, Susan Thompson, and G. Cable were at the S.S. to night.
One year today we planted potatoes.
Brushland, Del. Co.

*This might be Mary Ann Thomson (1846-1925), daughter of John R. Thomson and Helen Armstrong.  She married James G. Russell in March 1870.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wednesday, May 27, 1868 - "You may joke when you please, if you are careful to please when you joke"

This is a very fine day. I was plowing to day. I was picking potatoes for to plant. I was plowing this afternoon for to sow Buckwheat. It is warm to day. 
A. Bailey was up to M. Tuttles this afternoon. It is very quiet times at present. Brushland.
We have not planted any potatoes yet. 1868.

You may joke when you please, if you are careful to please when you joke. 1868
Brushland, Delaware.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday, May 26, 1868 - "Old Tony Liddle was buryed to day"

This is a fine day. It cleared off fine to day. I was drawing hay into the wagon house this forenoon.
I was drawing stone this afternoon.
Henry Liddle was here to night.
R. Scott was here to night.
O. Dickson was here to night.
Ann was up to A. Boyds this afternoon. 
Old Tony Liddle* was buryed to day. 
A.Liddle was down by to day. Bovina

*This probably was Thomas O. Liddle.  Born in 1785 in Scotland, he died on May 24, 1868. He was buried in the Bovina Center Cemetery.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday, May 25, 1868 - "I received Some money to day for Butter"

This is a cloudy wet day. I was down to Brushland this forenoon. I took down a firkin of Butter to day. I got the horses shod to day. 4 new shoes. I bought a Thermometer to day.
I was drawing Stone this afternoon. 1868 and also drawing wood into the wood house. I received Some money to day for Butter. I sold 1 ½ bl oats to day. 
One year ago to day was a very wet day.
Brushland, Del Co

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunday, May 24, 1868 - "As sweet as mountain laurel The wild-bee loves to sip"

This is also a cloudy wet day.
Thare is none of the folks to Church to day.
William Wilbur went home to day.
I was doing chores to day.

I saw her but a moment,
But, Oh! I’ll not forget-
Her cheeks were like the roses,
When by the dew-drops wet
I saw her but a moment,
Her eyes did on me rest-
I thought myself in heaven.
Amid the seraphs blest.
I saw her but a moment,
With coral on her lips,
As sweet as mountain laurel
The wild-bee loves to sip.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Saturday, May 23, 1868 - "This is a wet day"

This is a wet day. I was in the Town of Stamford and Harpersfield to day. We were after our colt which went away from home last Tuesday. James Miller and Gilbert Dickson were here to day. I was in Hobert to day. I saw George Halstead in Hobert to day. I saw Hie McFarland to day.
W. Wilbur is here to day. I was in the uper end of Bovina to day. 
Fill the rest out at your leasure. Brushland.
W.J. Coulter. 1868

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Friday, May 22, 1868 - "The watter in the Delaware River is considerable high"

This is also a cloudy day. It rained some to day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day. I came home to day. W. Wilbur came with me. It was five o clock when I got home. 1868
I saw James Scott of Hamden to day. I was moveing some things up to day. The watter in the Delaware River is considerable high. I spoke to Tom Winter, he was drawing dung. Brushland. 1868. W.J.C.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thursday, May 21, 1868 - "I was pitching ringers and playing Ucher to day"

Brushland. Del. Col
This is a very wet day. It rained all day. The watter raised to day. I am not at home to day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day.
I was pitching ringers and playing Ucher to day.
[I am at Mr. Wilburs to day.]
I saw Joe Platner to day. I cannot tell what was going on at home to day. Brushland. This is a long day. It seems longer because it is wet. 
Brushland Delaware
W.J. Coulter. 1868

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday, May 20, 1868 - "I went over the Scotch Mountain to day and down through Terry Clove"

This is also a cloudy day. I went to Hamden to day. 
I went over the Scotch Mountain to day and down through Terry Clove.
Captain James Blair* was Burryed to day. 
Thare was a man here to night, he wanted to stay all night. I was in three different towns to day.

We learn from the Marriage lists that Dr. Winship, the Modern Samson, has met his Delilah.
*This is probably James J. Blair.  The son of Peter Blair and Mary McCune, he was married to Hannah Bailey.  He died on May 18, 1868, seven months before the birth of his only child, John Walter Blair.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday, May 19, 1868 - "One and a half per cent of the entire population of New York own all the houses"

This is a cloudy day. I was building wall and doing chores to day. Some of the folks were over to Andes to day. 

One and a half per cent of the entire population of New York own all the houses.
A new American invention just introduced in France is an artificial baby, which on being wound up will cry for ten hours.
The time for a trip around the world in the good time coming will be 75 days.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Monday, May 18, 1868 - "The wind is East to day"

This is a very wet day. I am doing chores to day. Jim is at home to day. He went to Plattekill this afternoon.
Thare was preaching in Brushland to day.
Thid Dickson was in here this afternoon. He got supper here to night. The wind is East to day. Jim was over to Dick Thompsons to day. One year ago to day. It was a cold day. Fill the rest out at your leasure. W.J. Coulter. 1868
Brushland Del. Co.
Salinis Calafornia

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 17, 1868 - "Happy footsteps, to and fro"

This is a cloudy wet day. The folks are to Church to day. Thare is Sacrament at Lees Church to day. Jim is home to day. He cut my hair to day. Thid Dickson was down to Church to day. N.K. Crow preached in Brushland to day. Thare was a quarterly meeting at the Methodist Church to day.

Happy footsteps,
to and fro
Through the fresh 
Green copses springing.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Saturday, May 16, 1868 - "I was plowing this forenoon for potatoes"

It has rained some this forenoon. 
I was plowing this forenoon for potatoes. I was doing chores this afternoon.
Thare is preaching in Brushland to day at Priest Lees church.
Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night.
Ann is not home to night. Nancy Boyd went up to day. Bovina. 1868.
I spread some dung this afternoon 1868
Thare was a tub [6] of Butter taken away to day to Brushland. 1868

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Friday, May 15, 1868 - "plowing is hard work"

It looks some like rain to day. Brushland. I was plowing to day. plowing is hard work. I was plowing for potatoes and Buckwheat. Boyd was down to Brushland to day. 

Never give your tongue its full liberty; let it always be your servant, never your master.
Four things come not back;
the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity
Prophet Omer
Brushland, Del. Co.
Salinis monteray Co Cal.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thursday, May 14, 1868 - "I was hunting woodchucks to day"

This is a fine day. This is fast-day. Some of the folks are to Church to day.
I was hunting woodchucks to day.
I was doing chores to day.
I was up to Boyds to day.
I shot at three woodchucks and killed one. Jim Douglas and David Sloan were up to M. Tuttles this forenoon. A. Golden was here to day he was fishing. 

Farewell to cold winter
Farewell to cold frost
Come cheer up my spirits
For my old b[e]au is lost.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday, May 13, 1868 - "It is a very windy day"

It is a very windy day. It rained this afternoon. I was rooling this forenoon. Bovina and plowing this afternoon.
Frank was over here this afternoon. This is a very wet night. 
Fill the rest out at your leasure. I finished rooling to day. Brushland. 
Frank was up to M. Tuttles. 1868.

Do to others as you would have others do to you. Peace.
Washington Artilery

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tuesday, May 12, 1868 - "Thare was a raid at R. Whites to night"

This is a fine day. The wind is East to day. I was draging today. We finished sowing oats to day.
I finished draging to day.
Thare was a raid at R. Whites to night. Ann went to it. R. Scott and wife were thare. This and O. Dickson were in here to night. They were going to Whites. Frank Gowanlock went down by to night. Tom Winter and Alice Russell were at Whites. J.B. Lee was up to A. Liddles to day. Bovina. Brushland. 1868

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday, May 11, 1868 - "I was into Hastings & Hoods Store to day"

This is a fine day. I drawed two loads of dung and plowed the garden this forenoon. I was down to Brushland this forenoon.
I took down a tub [5] of Butter to day. Ann went down to D. Blacks with me. I was plowing this afternoon.
I was into Hastings & Hoods Store to day.

Avoid borrowing and lending. Be neither lavishing or niggardly. Of the two avoid the latter.
Walter J. Coulter. Brushland. Del. Co.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sunday, May 10, 1868 - "Lo! the one drank at the still And the other at the well."

This is a tolerable fine day. Some of the folks are to Church to day. I turned the calfs out of the barn to day. Jim is home to day. A. Liddle was down to Church to day. 

Still they worked in the same field
Toiled on from day to day.
Both had the same hard labor
Both had the same small pay.
But they worked not with one will.
The reason let me tell-
Lo! the one drank at the still
And the other at the well.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Saturday, May 9, 1868 - "Say but little – think much - and do more"

It is quite cool to day. I was rooling oats this forenoon. Brushland. and doing chores this afternoon. Bovina.
Jim is home to night. Frank Gowanlock went down to day. I was spliting wood this afternoon. 1868
Morris Smith was over to Brushland to day. A. Boyd was down by to day to Brushland.

Say but little – think much - and do more. 
Keep clear of the law, for even if you gain you are generally a loser of money.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Friday, May 8, 1868 - "Never make money at the expense of your reputation"

The ground is covered with snow to day. It is cold to day. It looks like winter again. I was spliting wood to day.
I saw Thid and O. Dickson to day. They were down to Brushland. Bill Carman was buryed to day. M. Tuttle has bought a horse. Brushland.

Never make money at the expense of your reputation.
Let your expenses be such as to leave a balance in your pocket. Ready money is a friend.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thursday, May 7, 1868 - "I took down my boots to get them tapped"

This is a wet day. The wind is East to day. I was not doing much to day.
I was down to Brushland this afternoon. I took down a tub [4] of Butter. I took down my boots to get them tapped. It is quite cold to day. I was into L. Thompsons to day. I got a New oil can and shingle nails.

The Walter A. Wood mowing machine company at Hoosic Falls, N.Y. turn out a machine every five minutes – 120 per day, and faster than the railroad company can transport them.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wednesday, May 6, 1868 - "Florence Nightingale wants to vote in England"

This is a damp day. I was draging this forenoon.I was rooling [rolling] the oats this afternoon. It rained this afternoon. A. Boyd was down here to day after oats. He did not get any. 
One year ago to day I was draging.

Florence Nightingale wants to vote in England.
Shinplaster weddings are the latest institution.
Mr. Dickens is said to have sent home $80.000 in gold, as part of his profits.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday, May 5, 1868 - "Uncle James Coulter was here to day"

This is a fine day. We sowed oats to day. I was draging to day. The Cellar was cleaned out to day.
I filled the leach to day.
Uncle James Coulter was here to day.
Mr. Lee was up here this afternoon. 1868*
One year ago to day was Sunday.
Fill the rest out at your leasure.
There was a raid at R. Scotts to night. Tom Winter, Alice Russell, John and Joe Forrest, Miss Dysart, Cable, Warren, Lewis and Thompson were thare.
*The visits of Walter's Uncle James and Mr. Lee (probably Rev. Lee) likely was related to a squabble James and his wife Nancy were having with the Bovina U.P. Church. For more about this squabble, go to the Bovina NY History Blog for May 2011 to see two entries about this

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Monday, May 4, 1868 - "It looks like rain this afternoon"

This is a fine day. I went down to Brushland this forenoon. I took down a tub [3] of Butter and 7 Decan Skins.
I was draging* this afternoon.
It looks like rain this afternoon.
D. Gill and Mary Liddle were down by to day. I mailed a letter to Calafornia to day.

A law passed the Legislature for a new bridge across the Hudson River.
Brushland. Del. C.
W.J. Coulter.
*Dragging is something farmers do to help smooth over fields.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunday, May 3, 1868 - "The Peepers are a Singing"

[Brushland.  May, June, July]
It is quite cool to day. The folks are to Church. I was at home and doing the chores. 1868. Jim is at home to day. Joe Dysart preached to day in Brushland. I wrote a letter to Bill to day. He is in Cal. 

The Pe[e]pers are a Singing
All nature being gay.
I want to be married –
do you understand?
You’d give me a world,
only give me your hand!
One can’t go on always
with cons and with pros
Never come here again –
Or be frank and propose.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Saturday, May 2, 1868 - "I was soldering tin-pans to day"

This is a wet day. I am doing chores to day. I was soldering tin-pans to day. 1868. A. Boyd was down to Brushland to day. Jim is home to night. One year ago to day. Jim Atkin was here. Jim fetched up the papers to night. Fill the rest out at your leasure. 1868  I fixed a new bottom under the Leach* to day.

The Viceroy of Egypt marries a new wife every year, which is as neat a way of tallying time as we know of.

*This may refer to a ‘leach pan’ used to extract lye.

Friday, May 1, 1868 - "We commenced to Sow oats to day."

This is the first day of May 1868. It is quite cool to day. I was spreading dung this forenoon.
We commenced to Sow oats to day. Jim Thompson was up here to day after Deacon Skin*. John Forrest, Tom Winter, Harry Warren, R. Scott, Becky Scott, Mag Lewis, Alice Russell were up here to night. They had a joley time. Thare is prayer meeting in Brushland to night. One year ago to day. O. Dickson was here.

*calf skin