Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday, September 30, 1868 – “This is the last day of September.”

This is a tolerable fine day. It is cloudy to day. We are thrashing Buckwheat to day. Jim Boyd helped us this afternoon. 1868  John Hastings & Lauran went up with a drove to day. The Bull went away to day. I was down to Brushland this morning after the Doctor for Mrs. Dickson. O. Dickson was over this way twice to day. This is the second day of the County Fair. Alice Russell went home to day. 1868. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday, September 29, 1868 – “We thrashed 3 loads of Buckwheat to day.”

This is a cool windy day. We thrashed 3 loads of Buckwheat to day. I saw A. Liddle this forenoon. 1868  Ann is not at home to day. The Delaware County Fair commences to day at the Village of Walton. Tom Winter and Maddison McFarland, Alice Russell and Isabela Winter were up here to night. George Cable took Susan Thomson to the County Fair. The State Fair commenced to day. It is held at the City of Rochester New York
Brushland, Del Co, NY

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday, September 28, 1868 – “I was picking stone to day.”

This has been a fine day. I was picking stone to day. Brushland. Frank Gowanlock went down by this morning. He is working for R. Scott. O. Dickson is down after the Doctor again. Net and Ann were up to M. Tuttles this afternoon on a visit. Ann went over to Dicksons to night. Some of the folks were over to Franks this afternoon. By Joe. Fill the rest out at your leasure. Brushland. 1868. W.J. Coulter.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sunday, September 27, 1868 – “Some of the folks were down to church to day.”

This has been a cloudy day. Some of the folks were down to church to day. O. Dickson went down by to night after the Doctor. His mother is sick. Every thing is all quiet.

General McClellan after repeatedly essaying the task, has finally arrived in New York. That is more than he ever did for Richmond. Frank Blair has had a drinking saloon named after him in New York.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday, September 26, 1868 – “Jim Douglas went up by to day."

It has been cloudy to day. I was doing chores to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. A. Baily was up to M. Tuttles to day. 1868  Jim Douglas went up by to day. Bovina.
One year ago to day the Delhi Town Fair commenced. I was at it. One year to night I stayed at John Armstrongs. Joe Forrest was with me.

The World has tried woman as compositors and emphatically gives it up.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friday, September 25, 1868 – “Thurlow Weed’s health is not improving much abroad.”

This has been a wet day. Wet weather is all the go at present. I was doing chores to day. The Delhi Fair finishes up to day. I supose. I was up to Boyds this afternoon. 1868.

George Francis Train is in an Irish prison for debt, and his daughter drives a stylish team at Newport.* There are more than a hundred houses in Fifth Avenue that rent for $40.000 a year. Thurlow Weed’s health is not improving much abroad.**

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Francis_Train

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday, September 24, 1868 – “The Delhi Town Fair commenced to day.”

It has been wet to day and also cool. 1868. I was down to Brushland to day. I got 4 tubs to day. I also got the horses shod. The Delhi Town Fair commenced to day. Jim Douglas and wife went down by to day. I did not do much to day. [I shaved to day.] 

It is estimated that there are 225.000 thrashing machines in the United States, without counting the schoolmarms. Hah.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday, September 23, 1868 – “Thare was a Show in Andes to night.”

This has been a wet day. I did not do much to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Thare was a Show in Andes to night. The Peake Family or Swiss Bell Ringers. Thare was a political meeting in Brushland to night. Judge Wagener was Speaker. Thid Dickson was here to night. He was over to Andes to day. 1868.
[H.L. Liddle was here to night.] It was 11 ½ oclock when I went to bed to night. All quiet on the Potomac. Brushland Del Co NY

*For more information on the Peake Family, check out this blog: http://thecrushedtragedian.blogspot.com/2008/09/before-there-was-television.html

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday, September 22, 1868 – “There was a stranger in here to day.”

This is a cloudy day. It rained to day. 1868. I was diging stone to day. Dick Thomson is thrashing for Tuttle to day. John Forrest was up here to day. Bovina. He was over to Dicksons. Mrs. Black was up here this afternoon. There was a stranger in here to day. 1868 Thare is a Social in Brushland to night. Frank Armstrong and Wife and Jim Burns started west to day. Brushland Del. Col Walter J. Coulter

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday, September 21, 1868 – “Oh what a fuss these old woman make.”

This has been a fine day. It is somewhat cool. I was not doing much to day. Brushland. Dick Thomson is thrashing for A. Liddle to day. 1868 
We made some cider to day for the first this season. Bovina. I shot 2 chipmonks & one red squirl this afternoon. Thare is singing school in Brushland to night. Frank Gowanlock went up by to night. Andes.
Oh what a fuss these old woman make.
Delaware BDDD

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sunday, September 20, 1868 - "We Can't Surrender Now."

This is a cloudy wet day. W.J.C. There was none of the folks to Church today.
[I shaved to day] 1868. A. Liddle was down to Church to day.

We Can’t Surrender Now.
Then ask us not
To vote for those 
Who held our 
Brave boys back.
When onward
Came the Union’s foes
With desolating track;
We will be 
True to Liberty – 
We cant surrender now!
*This poem likely was copied from a newspaper. It appeared in a number of papers in 1868.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Saturday, September 19, 1868 - "Every thing is still and quiet to day."

This is also a fine day. Sandy and Susan W. are here this forenoon. Sandy and Net and I went down to Brushland this forenoon. 1868. Sandy and Susan went home this afternoon. Ann Elizabeth went home with them. Bovina. I was over whare R. Scott and F. Gowanlock were drawing Stone this afternoon. 1868. M. Tuttle is down by to day. I was shooting some this afternoon. Bovina. Every thing is still and quiet to day. Brushland.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday, September 18, 1868 - "It was 12 oclock when we quit cooning."

This has been a fine day. I was doing chores to day. A. Boyd was down by to day. Mrs. Boyd was down here to day. Sandy and Susan Wilbur came here today. They came by Delhi. Frank Gowanlock and R. Scott were in here to night. We went a cooning to night. Frank and I went up to Gowanlocks and got his dog. We came down by Boyds. We did not get any coons. It was 12 oclock when we quit cooning. 1868

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thursday, September 17, 1868 - "Thare was a hard frost this morning."

It has been a cold day. Thare was a hard frost this morning. 1868.
Some of the folks went to Andes to day. I did not do much to day. Thare was a tin pedler here to day. I sold him $1.80 worth of rags. I sold him 1 Deacon skin $1.00. A. Liddle and wife and D. Gill were here to day. D. Gill payed me $3.50 to day. 1868  Dick Thomson cut his corn to day. He was up to Tuttles after rye straw. Frank Gowanlock went down by to night. Brushland.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 16, 1868 - "I got 2 tubs today."

This has been a wet day. I did not do much to day. Brushland. John Forrest was up here this forenoon, he got dinner here, he was driving his colt. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. I got 2 tubs today. Thare was a raid in the School house to night. T. Winter, H. Warren, R. Scott, John Forrest, Joe Forrest, G. Cable, D. Gill, Bill Gill, Mat. Coulter, A. Phyfe, O. Nickles, D. Thomson, Alice Russell, Net Rutherford and Susan Thomson were at the S. house tonight. 1868
The school finished today.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, September 15, 1868 - "The roads are very bad at present."

It has been a very fine day. Thare was a slight frost this morning the first for this season. 1868. I was over to Margretville to day. The roads are very bad at present. Net was with me to day. Thare was a Political meeting in Roxbury to day. Horace Greely* was thair as Speaker to advocate the Union and Grant. Tom Winter and D. Black were over to Roxbury to day. I saw Wat. Dickson in Margretville to day. He is going West to live.

*Horace Greeley (1811-1872) was a newspaper publisher and politican. He supported General Grant as President but later came out against the corruption in Grants administration and ran against him when he ran for re-election in 1872 as a Liberal Republican. He lost the election and died before the electoral vote could be counted.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday, September 14, 1868 - "I finished cuting the Buckwheat to day."

This has been a fine day. Rob. Hamilton was here this morning after the calves. He got them. 1868. I was cuting Buckwheat to day. I finished cuting the Buckwheat to day. I saw H. Warren to day. Boyd is down by to day. Thid Dickson went up by this forenoon. He had been to Delhi all night, he was to Delhi with Gid. Dickson. 1868. Grant and Colfax. Brushland Bovina 1868

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sunday, September 13, 1868 - "A Montana gallows is three rails..."

It has been a cloudy wet day. 1868. Thare was none of the folks t Church to day. A Boyds folks are down to Church to day. Thid and Jude Dickson went down to Church to day. They went to Delhi to night. They were at the Presbyterian Church Delhi. 1868 

A Montana gallows is three rails, set up like a tripod and a man hanging between like a pot.
Brushland Del. Col. 1868

Friday, September 12, 2014

Saturday, September 12, 1868 - "He is a Bookkeeper in a Brewry in Albany."

This has been a cloudy wet day. I was not doing much this forenoon. 1868.
I cut some Buckwheat this afternoon. Thare was a Vendue at Carmans to day. Thid Dickson was at it. Jurdin Dickson was with him at the Vendue. Thid and Jurdins Dickson were in here tonight. Jude Dickson lives in the City of Albany. He has been home on a visit for a week. He is a Bookkeeper in a Brewry in Albany. He gets 1,200.00 a year. 1868

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday, September 11, 1868 - "This has been a wet day."

This has been a wet day. It rained to day. It rained very hard all last night. I was not doing much to day. 1868. Some of the folks are over to Andes to day. Thid Dickson was over here to day. He got dinner here to day. I shot 2 chipmonks to day. Jim Boyd was in here to night. Janes Sirsices school finished to day. Thair is a Singing school thare to night. Thid. Dickson did not go to it. 1868

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 10, 1868 - "The cows have got the cowpox very bad."

This is a cloudy day. I was not doing much this forenoon. I shot 6 chipmonks this forenoon. Thom Foreest was up here this forenoon. I was cuting Buckwheat this afternoon. Ann was over to Lewises this afternoon. The cows have got the cowpox very bad. 

Would you like to know the secrets
Of your neighbors house and life
How he lives or how he doesn’t

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 9, 1868 - "Thare was a Grant Club meeting in Brushland to night."

This has been a wet day. I was cuting Buckwheat this forenoon. 1868  O. Dickson was over here to day. Him and I went down to Brushland this afternoon. 1868  I got a firkin to day. A Liddle was down to Brushland to day. Alice Russell and Susan Thomson were up here to night. 1868  They went home again. Thare was a Grant Club meeting in Brushland to night. A. Boyd was down to Brushland to day. 1868

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tuesday, September 8, 1868 - "...To beat the rock-bound shore."

This has been a very fine day. I commenced to cut Buckwheat to day. R. Scott was up to Tuttles this forenoon. Gills went down by to night. I have been writeing and reading to night. Thair was sombody here to night. Brushland.

Forget The.
Oh tell me not I shat forget
And cease of thee to dream;
This world would be all loneliness
Nor life as life would seem.
Forget thee. When the ocean wave.
Shall wake from sleep no more,
Nor speed before the fleeting winds.
To beat the rock-bound shore.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Monday, September 7, 1868 - "I was shooting Chipmonks to day."

This is a fine day. I did not do much to day. Some of the folks went to Andes to day. I was shooting Chipmonks to day. Some of Gills folks went up to night. Jane Gill was along. It rained some to day. Tom Winter and Joe Forrest were up here to night. 1868
Frank Gowanlock and R. Scott went up to night. They were going a cooning to night. It is very still times at present. Brushland
1868 1868

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sunday, September 6, 1868 - "Thare was a circus in Delhi one year ago."

This has been a cloudy day. Some of the folks are to Church to day. I [shaved to] day. It rained some to night. A Boyd is down to Church to day. One year ago to day I was in Delhi. Thare was a circus in Delhi one year ago. One year to day I was in Hamden.

We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Saturday, September 5, 1868 - "I was picking Blackburys this afternoon."

This has been a plesent day. I did not do much to day. The folks got home from Andes to day. 1868. I was shooting to day. I was picking Blackburys this afternoon. By Joe. Sandy White went down by to night. It is cooler to day. 1868
A great flood at Whitehall has destroyed a vast amount of property. 
There are 11.353 manufactories of Republicans votes in Ohio. We mean school houses. The official returns from Vermont show a Republican majority of 27.500.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday, September 4, 1868 - "Prussia has ordered a reduction of her army by 120.000 men."

This is a wet day. I am at home to day. I did not do much to day. Some of the folks went to Andes to day. John Forrest went up by to day. Brushland. Boyds folks went up to night. Bovina. All Peace and quietness. I received some money to day. It was for the Lambs which J. Elliott got. 

Prussia has ordered a reduction of her army by 120.000 men. This should assure peace for Europe.
Delaware Republican 1868.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday, September 3, 1868 - "I do not feel very well to day."

It is cloudy to day. It looks like rain to day. I am in the Town of Hamden this forenoon. We started for home after dinner. Delhi. I do not feel very well to day. Bovina. We called at Stotts when we was coming home. We got home about 5 ½ o’clock. It is raining to night. Two years ago to day I was in the Town of Hamden. My throat is some sore to night. Brushland. I have go the [backdoor trot] some to night. By joe. Everything is quiet to day.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday, September 2, 1868 - "The Lambs were taken away to day."

This is a fine warm day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day. The Lambs were taken away to day. Jim Elliott got them. John Lamont is working for Mr. Wilbur.
They are putting up a sheep-house. 
I was boreing with the boreing Machine this afternoon. 1868
Net was up to Rob. Christies this afternoon. They took up a hive of Bees to night. I did not eat any honey. I did not feel very well to night.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Tuesday, September 1, 1868 - "Net and I went to Hamden to day."

It is considerable warm to day. It rained some this morning. This is the first day of Sept 1868. Net and I went to Hamden to day. Colchester. We went by Cabin hill and down Fall Clove. We stoped at Jim Clappertons and got dinner and super. Andes. It was about dark when we got at our Journeys end. Hamden. I cannot tell what is going on at home today. [I shaved to day.]

Perrine was such a radical Know Nothing that he wouldn’t wear Irish linen.