Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thursday, December 31, 1868 – “…Mr. James A. Coulter of Bovina to Miss Mary Rottermond of Andes…”

This has been a very fine day. This is the last day of the old year. 1868. I was doing chores to day. John Forrest was up here to day. He took Ann to Jims wedding tonight. Frank was over to Jims wedding to night. Joe Forrest had Lill to Jims wedding.

At the house of the Brides Father, by Rev. Mr. W. S. Winans, Mr. James A. Coulter of Bovina to Miss Mary Rottermond of Andes, Del Co, N.Y. 1868*

James Coulter (1833-1882) was the brother of Walter Coulter. Mary Rotermund was the daughter of Herman and Lillian Rotermund. Their marriage did not last all that long. James died in August 1882. Mary survived her husband by almost 50 years, dying in 1931. James and Mary were the grandparents of Don, Bob and Norrie Boggs, Ruth Coulter Parsons and Celia Coulter, among others.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wednesday, December 30, 1868 – “The show in Brushland to night was a Humbug.”

This has been a fine day. 1868. I was drawing dung to day. Jim came over from Franks to day. Thare is a Show in Brushland to night. Jim was down to it. Dicksons folks were over here to night. O. Dickson was down to Brushland this afternoon. Some of the folks were down to Brushland. Frank and Jim Boyd were down here to night. The show in Brushland to night was a Humbug. 1868.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tuesday, December 29, 1868 – “T. Hastings was drawing wood by here to day.”

This has been a stormy day. I was down to Brushland this forenoon with a saw-log. Frank and Jim Boyd were down here to night. They got some meat. Jim is not home to day. Joe and Jane Forrest and Lill were up here to night. 1868. T. Hastings was drawing wood by here to day. We had some fun to night. Brushland Del Co N.Y. fill the rest out at your leasure. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Monday, December 28, 1868 – “Uncle Sam Storie and wife & Aunt Ann were here to day.”

This has been a tolerable fine day. I was over to Andes to day. Harry Dowie’s wife was buryed today. Uncle Sam Storie and wife & Aunt Ann were here to day. 1868. Uncle Sam lives in the Town of Tompkins. Jim went over to Franks to day. I was up to A. Boyds to night. 1868. I sold them some meat. This is a very fine night. I saw A. Liddles girls to day. I was into Blakies store to day. Andes. Del. Co. W.J. Col.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sunday, December 27, 1868 – “This has been a Stormy day.”

This has been a Stormy day. I was doing chores to day. Some of the folks were to Church to day. [I shaved to day.] 1868. It has snowed to day. A. Boyd was down to church to day. Rob Furguson and wife were at Church to day. 

Baron Rothschild left enough money to buy all New York at its assessed value included the new Court House. 

A Newburgh grocer is said to be the champion of light weights. 1868.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Saturday, December 26, 1868 – “I cut up some beef to night and barreled it.”

It is cold to day yet. I was down to Brushland this forenoon, with a saw-log. I was also down to Brushland this afternoon with a saw-log. 1868. I cut up some beef to night and barreled it. Frank and Jim Boyd were in here to night. Jim came home to night, he brought a horse and cutter with him. R. Forrest rode up with me from Brushland. Rob Archabald and wife went up by to day. 1868. They live in Franklin.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Friday, December 25, 1868 – “Christmas has passed off very quietly around here.”

Chrismas day 1868. It has been cold to day. I was doing chors to day. I was drawing logs out of the woods to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Lll was up here to day. Jim went over to Andes to might I suppose. Frank and Jim Boyd were in here to night. Brushland. Christmas has passed off very quietly around here. There was shooting mach at New Kingston. Thare was shooting mach at the Hook to day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thursday, December 24, 1868 – “Rob Furguson is married to day to Miss Dysart of Delhi.”

This has been a cold day. Brushland. We killed a sow this forenoon. 1868. R. Tuttle helped us. I took Ann down to T. Forrests to night They were going to John Grahams to night. There is to be a Chrismas tree in Andes to night.

Rob Furguson is married to day to Miss Dysart of Delhi. They were married at the house of Duncan Dysarts. 1868. Bill Cunningham was over to Andes to night with Miss Doig.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wednesday, December 23, 1868 – “He broke his Horse-power.”

It is cold and Stormy to day. It has snowed to day. I was drawing logs out of the woods to day. Jim went to Delhi to day. Brushland. Bill Miller was here to day. He payed Jim some money. 1868. Boyds girls were in here to night. John Forrest was up here to night. Dick Thomson was sawing wood at T. Forrests to day. He broke his Horse-power. All peace and quietness. Brushland. Del Co. N.Y.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tuesday, December 22, 1868 – “We put up the new stove to day.”

This is a fair winter day. I was doing chores to day. I was drawing logs out of the woods this afternoon. We put up the new stove to day. Ann is up to A. Boyds this afternoon. There is a Social at Frank Armstrongs to night. Bovina. Dick Thomson has hired a man for one year. He pays three hundred for one year. His name is Fuller. He is from Delhi. Brushland. Del. Co. N.Y. W.J. Coulter. 1868

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Monday, December 21, 1868 – “He fetched home the meat cutter.”

This is a tolerable day. I was drawing dung to day. 1868. Jim was down to Brushland to day. Thare is Singing School in New Kingston to night. Shucks is Teacher. Thid and O. Dickson were over here to night. We were playing Ucher to night. Brushland. Some of the folks were down to Brushland. Mr. Tuttle was in here this morning. Bovina. He fetched home the meat cutter. I saw W. Gowanlock go up to night. 1868.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 20, 1868 – “It has the aperance of a thaw to night…”

It is not so cold to day. It is snowing this morning. It rained this afternoon. Thare is none of the folks to church to day. [I shaved to day.] 1868. I was doing chores to day. It has the aperance of a thaw to night if I may so turn it. 

389 Broadway New York
Hon. Daniel Waterbury, of Margaretville, has become the Principle of Albany Academy, so long and able managed by his Brother E.P. Waterbury, and Prof. David Murray now of Rutger’s College. 1868

Friday, December 19, 2014

Saturday, December 19, 1868 – “We had a joly time to night drinking cider and eating apples.”

It is cold and Frosty to day. Brushland. I was down to Brushland this forenoon. Jim got home this morning. He went down to Brushland with me. I spent $2.67 to day. John Lewis was here to night. 1868. Lill was home to night. John and Jane Forrest were up here to night. John Lewis was over to Andes this week. We had a joly time to night drinking cider and eating apples. Brushland. 1868

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Friday, December 18, 1868 – “I brought home the new stove to day.”

This is a Stormy cold day. Net and I came home to day. 1868. We came by Delhi. We met a funeral from Andes when we were coming home. Ann got home to night. There is Singing School in Brushland to night. Jim and Frank Boyd were in here to night. I brought home the new stove to day. 1868. Net got a new set of dishes. She got them in Hamden at Mr. Bushes. 1868. Brushland Del. Co NY

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thursday, December 17, 1868 – “We were playing Dominoes to night.”

This is a fine day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day. Net and some of the rest of the oflks went over to Hamden to day. William W. and I were playing Dominoes this forenoon. 1868. We went a hunting this afternoon and killed one pattriage. Joe Plattner was up to night. We were playing Dominoes to night and also playing Ucher. Jimie Wilbur got his picture taken to day at C.P. Williams in Hamden.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wednesday, December 16, 1868 – “This is a very good winter day.”

This is a very good winter day. I am in the Town of Hamden to day. Net and I went up to Mr. Kelleys, and from there we went to Terry Clove. We stoped at Mr. Stewarts, Mr. Shaws, Mr. Daisons, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Saltons and we also stoped at two School houses. Bill Wilbur got home from Oneonta to day. We played Dominoes tonight. I saw Nancy Stevens to day. 1868. I saw R. Neish to day.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday, December 15, 1868 – “I bought a new stove to day.”

This is a tolerable fine day. Net and I went to Hamden to day. 1868. We stoped in Delhi to day. I stoped at D. Cottrells to day. I bought a new stove to day. I got it at Wrights & Frosts $21.90. I saw D. Gill in Delhi to day. We called at Watt Stotts when we went down to Hamden to day. It was dark when we got at our journeys end. Everything quiet on Potomac. 1868.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday, December 14, 1868 – “It is a good sign to see a woman dressed with neatness.”

This is a Winter day. I was drawing dung to day. Brushland. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Mr. Tuttle was down to Brushland to day with a load of wood. Jim is not at home to day. Ann is not at home to day.

It is good to see a man do an act of charity – a bad sign to hear him boast of it.
It is a good sign to see a man advertise in the papers. 
It is a good sign to see a woman dressed with neatness. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sunday, December 13, 1868 – “There is in the heart of woman such a deep well of love that no age can freeze it.”

This is a tolerable fine day. There is none of the folks to Church to day. Jim is not at home to day. [I shaved to day.] 1868 I was doing chores to day. Every thing is Still to day. Ann is not at home to day. 

There is in the heart of woman such a deep well of love that no age can freeze it.

A cheerful spirit makes labor light and sleep sweet, and all around happy which is much better than being only rich. Godeys Ladys Book. 1868

Friday, December 12, 2014

Saturday, December 12, 1868 – “I was drawing logs out of the woods this afternoon.”

It is cold to day. I am doing chores this forenoon. I was drawing logs out of the woods this afternoon. Jim is not at home to day. One year ago to night I was at a spree in the Town of Hamden. Ann Lill, Jim and Alice Russell were also at the spree. Ann is not at home to day. One year to day it was very cold. It snowed. I saw O Dickson go up to night. 1868

Mr. Bonner’s stables are located on Twenty-seventh Street, New York. The building is a plain brick one.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Friday, December 11, 1868 – “I bought a Diary to day.”

This is a cold morning. I was in Delhi to day. Ann and Lill, Alice Russell, Hat Stott, and John Forrest went down to Delhi with me. I bought a Diary to day. I stopped at D. Cotterells. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. Ann & Alice Russell stayed to the S.S. Jim is not at home to day. I was into Wrights & Frosts Hardware Store to day also into Grahams and McMurrays Store to day and also into Howards Store. I was into O Donnolls Hottell. 1868

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thursday, December 10, 1868 – “The School-master is up this way to night.”

It is some cold to day. I was over to the Butend to mill this forenoon. Ann went down to T. Forrests with me. I was drawing logs out of the woods this afternoon. Alice Russell is here to night. The School-master is up this way to night. Jim and Frank Boyd were in here to night. Jim is not at home to day. 

At the residence of Petter George, Dec. 10th by Rev. D.S. McHenry, assisted by Rev. J. H. Robins, Rev. A.G. King to Miss Lizzie K. George of Andes N.Y.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wednesday, December 9, 1868 – “O moments fraught with love and truth!”

This is a cold day. I was doing chores to day. W. Stott left here this morning. The Schoolmaster is up this way to night. Jim is not at home to day. I was reading Sunshine and Shadow in New York.

So Tired.
Oh days of hope!
O hours of youth!
O moments fraught
with love and truth!
O summer of the heart!
Ye flit, and pass,
and come again
Like mirage seen
on desart plains-
Ye mock me and depart.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tuesday, December 8, 1868 – “Ever ready to command.”

This is a cold day. The snow is very deep. I was over to the Butend to mill this fore afternoon. I was drawing logs out of the woods to day. I was also down to Brushland to day. The School-master is up this way to night. W. Stott of Lansingville is up here to night. He stayed here all night. Jim is not at home to day. D. Carnble was up to A. Boyds to day. 1868. 

If you have not gold and silver 
Ever ready to command.
W.J. Coulter, Bovina

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday, December 7, 1868 – “It has snowed all day.”

This is a Stormy day. It has snowed all day. I was doing chores to day. Jim is not at home to day. The School-master is up this way to night. Every thing is very still and quiet at present. Dec. 7th at the house of Minor Stilson. Mr. Alexander Shaw, Farmer, to Miss Antoinette Howland both of Delhi, N.Y.

Your Mission
If you cannot on the ocean 
Sail among the swiftest fleet,
Rocking on the highest billows,
Laughing at the storms you meet.
Repeated by Mr. Phillips.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sunday, December 6, 1868 – “Beauty was frightened by the fire into speaking very good English.”

This is a fair day. It is not very cold. Some of the folks are to church to day. I was doing chores to day. [I shaved to day] 1868. Jim is not at home to day.

Barnum’s Circassian
Beauty was frightened by the fire into speaking very good English.

The Hutchinson Family of socalists have settled in Hassan Valley, McLeod County, Minn, where they are carrying on a large farm. 1868. And that’s all.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturday, December 5, 1868 – “Jim got a letter from Bill to day.”

It has been Stormy to day. It has snowed to day. I was drawing dung to day. Brushland. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Jim went over to Franks this afternoon. John Lewis was over here this afternoon. He stayed for Supper. Jim got a letter from Bill to day. 1868. Net got a letter from home to day. Hamden. O. Dickson was down by to day. 1868. Brushland, Del Co, N.Y. 1868

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Friday, December 4 – “I got the horses Shod to day.”

It is not quite so cold to day as it has been. I was down to Brushland this forenoon. I got the horses Shod to day. Lill went down with me. I was drawing dung this afternoon. 1868. I paid out $14.40 to day. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. Jim came home to night. John Lewis* got home from Wisconsin to day. He has been away from home one year. He started from Wis on Monday last. 4 day on the road. Bovina. 1868.

*This likely is John Lewis (1822-1910), the son of William Lewis and Nancy Burns. Born in Bovina, he settled in Patch Grove, Wisconsin, dying there in 1910.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thursday, December 3, 1868 – “They had Whisky at the Vendue.”

This is also a cold day. Some of the folks went over to Andes to day. Mr. Gowanlocks Vendue came off to day. 1868. I was at it. H. Warren bought a colt for $160. Doc Frisbee also bought a colt for $142. They had Whisky at the Vendue. It was very cold up to Gowanlock to day. O. Dickson was here to night. T. Forrest was up here tonight. H. Warren was in there to night. He was going up to Gowanlocks to night. Jim Douglas was Auctioneer to day. I saw Tom Anderson to day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wednesday, December 2, 1868 – “…a reward of $1.000 for the arrest of the Ulster county murderer.”

This is a cold day. I was down to Brushland to day. A. Liddle moved down to Brushland to day. R. Scott helped him to move. Frank was over here to night, he payed me some money. Jim came over with him.

Reward – Governor Fenton has offered a reward of $1.000 for the arrest of the Ulster county murderer.

The present reigning family in Japan has ocupied the throne for 740 years.
News Items. 1868.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tuesday, December 1, 1868 – “I paid him $3.00 for a Book Sunshine & Shadow.”

This is a cold day. This is the first day of December 1868. I was over to Franks to day. Ann was with me. Lill came home to day. Tom Liddle fetched her home. Ed Graham was here to day. I paid him $3.00 for a Book Sunshine & Shadow. Jim went over to Franks this forenoon. Bovina. I got some Sugar from Jim today. 62 lbs. 1868

Of the 150.000 teachers in the United States, it is asserted that 112.500 are females. 1868

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Monday, November 30, 1868 – “Thare is a Sirprise party up to A. Liddles to night.”

It is storming some today. I was drawing wood out of the woods to day. Jim was helping me. R. Scott, Ed. Scott, H. Liddle, Tom Winter and Alice Russell were in here to night. Bill Cuningham was in here to night. Brushland. Thare is a Sirprise party up to A. Liddles to night. Their was a lot up from Brushland. J.K. Hood, J. Jones, Gills Folks, Doigs girls, Ed Graham, Ed Scott, H. Liddle, R. Scott, Tom Winter, Jon and Joe Forrest, Mary A. Thomson, Dewitt Thomson, Mr. Adams and Sister D. Oblebe and Alice Russell were at it. 1868

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sunday, November 29, 1868 – “Spain has 117 seaports…”

This is a fair day. Some of the folks were to church to day. [I shaved to day.] 1868. Every thing is all quiet. I was doing chores to day.

Cuba with 1,500,000 inhabitants is taxed $33,000,000 annually. The London policemen have all lately been armed with cutlasses. 
Spain has 117 seaports, 675 miles of railroad and 94 miles of canal.
The Catholics are erecting a $3,000,000 cathedral in Canton China.
News items. 1868  1868

Friday, November 28, 2014

Saturday, November 28, 1868 – “I was drawing wood out of the woods to day.”

This has been a fine day. I was drawing wood out of the woods to day. Jim was helping me this afternoon. 1868. Dick Thomson was here making cider to day. Bill McDavitts was here to night. He got some money from Jim. 

England was supporting 913,084 paupers last July. 1868.
Two American companies are boring for oil in Italy.
London has a Mormon church with a thousand members.
The name of Jeddo, Japan has been changed to Zeekie[?].
Coal has recently been discovered in vast quantities in Russia.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday, November 27, 1868 – “Some of the Boys were pulling Sticks to night.”

It has been cool to day. I was drawing wood out of the woods to day. Jim was helping me. Ezra Henderson was over here to day. $5.00 He payed me $5.00 interest. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. I was down to it. Ann was also down to it. R. Scott, John Forrest, H. Warren, Tom Winter and Alice Russell was at the S.S. to night. I was into J.K. Hoods Store to night. Some of the Boys were pulling Sticks to night.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thursday, November 26, 1868 – “This is Thanksgiving day.”

This has been a very Stormy day rain & snow. I was doing chores to day. This is Thanksgiving day. Mr. Tuttle was down here to day after the Sausage cutter. 1868. Jim and I was choping in the woods this afternoon. Jim cut my hair to day. O. Dickson was over here to night. Their was Somebody else here tonight.

A miss-spent life – squandering all your salary on a girl who does not care for you. Brushland Del. Co NY 1868

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wednesday, November 25, 1868 – “The Sausage meat was cut up to day.”

This has been a tolerable fine day. I was drawing wood out of the woods to day. Jim was helping me. I feel rather old to night. The Sausage meat was cut up to day. 1868. I cut the Sausage meat. 

A curiosity dealer in Brussels advertises for sale two teeth of Napoleon III
The managing editor of the London Times is paid the same salary as the President of the United States. 
There are now thirty theatres in and around London. 1868

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tuesday, November 24, 1868 – “The pork was cut up to day.”

It is not so cold to day. It has been a fine day. I was over to the Butend this forenoon. I was drawing dung this afternoon. 1868. The pork was cut up to day. Bovina. Jim got 135 lb of pork. Jim was choping in the woods this forenoon. 

An ancient rhyme divides female beauty into four orders, as follows:-
Long and lary
Little and loud,
Fair and foolish
Dark and proud
An idle dream.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday, November 23, 1868 – “I saw a fox track to day…”

This is a cold day. We Butcherd the Hogs this forenoon. 1868. Thare were 2 hogs, weight of hogs, 380, 350, [total] 730. Jim and I were choping in the woods this afternoon. R. Scott and Jim and I were up to Boyds to night. Brushland. It was 10 oclock when we got home. I saw a fox track to day, that had a chain draging after it. Alice Russell is working for Dick Thomson, Brushland. All quiet on the Potomac. 1868

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sunday, November 22, 1868 – “That glowed her happy cheeks at this.”

It is cold to day. Some of the folks are to church to day. [I shaved to day.] 1868. A. Boyd was down to Church to day. French. I was doing chores to day. 

He took her fancy when he came
He took her hand, he took a kiss,
He took no notice of the shame.
That glowed her happy cheeks at this.

He took to come of afternoons,
And after that he took his leave.

*This poem was in several publications of the era. For some reason, he left out two verses of the second stanza:
He took an oath he’d ne’er deceive,
He took her master’s silver spoons

Friday, November 21, 2014

Saturday, November 21, 1868 – “I was choping in the woods to day.”

This has been a cold day. It is snowing some to day. I was choping in the woods to day. Jim was with me. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. I was peeling apples to night. Everything is very quiet.

A machine has been invented in New England which embosses and cuts 200,000 paper collars in ten hours.
During the year, the sum of $848,500,000 has been expended on account of the public debt. 1868

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday, November 20, 1868 – “It has snowed some to day.”

This has been a cloudy wet day. 1868. It has snowed some to day. I was drawing dung this forenoon. I was down to Brushland this afternoon. Ann went down with me. I drawed some stone this afternoon. 1868. Jim came home to night. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. M. Tuttle was butchering to day. Ann came home to night. Alice Russell was at the Singing School to night. Elliott Graham teaches the Brushland S.S. 1868

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thursday, November 19, 1868 – “Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day.”

This is a fine day. I was drawing dung this forenoon. Drawing Stone this afternoon. Jim went over to Bill McDivitts to day. He is going to chop. Ann was over to Lewises and Millers to day. 1868. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Frank and Jim Boyd were in here to night. 

Jeff Davis it seems is still in England, unwept, unhonored and unhiring. 
The fastest team in the world went down Broadway the other day – Grant and Dexter. 1868.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wednesday, November 18, 1868 – “The wind South East.”

This is a Stormy day. The wind South East. I was doing chores to day. I tapped my Boot to day. John Hoy was here making cider to day. I saw Frank Gowanlock to day. He is chopping at John Lewises. R. Biggar was here to day. Jim went over to Andes to day. 1868.

Mrs. Stonewall Jackson it is said has received $15,000 from the sale of her husband’s Life. 
Josh Billings* says he don’t care how much a man talks if he’ll only say it in a few words. 1868

*Billings was a 19th century humorist. For more information, go to

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday, November 17, 1868 – “It is raining and hailing to night.”

This is a cloudy day. I was over to Andes Village to day. Net was with me. Ann went down to Brushland with us. I saw David Rothensis in Andes to day. 1868. I was into Blakies Store to day. I was also into Dowies Store. Andes. J. Jardin was here making cider to day. R. Scott and Tom Winter were over here to night. Tom Winter and Jim was playing Ucher. It is raining and hailing to night. Brushland.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Monday, November 16, 1868 – “I was drawing stone this afternoon.”

It has been a fine day. I was over to New Kingston this forenoon. I got some Coarse Salt. $3.30. I saw O. Dickson this forenoon. I was drawing stone this afternoon. 1868. Jim is not at home to day. Thare was a Delaware County Map Agent here to day. He wanted an Impression (or expression). Thare was someone here to night. 1868. The School commenced to day in Dist No 11 Bovina. Teacher D.L. Thomson from Andes Village. 1868. 4 scollars to day at School. Bovina Del Co NY

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sunday, November 15, 1868 – “Reverdy Johnson is repudiated even by the Administration at Washington.”

This is a fine day. Some of the folks are to Church to day. [I shaved to day. 1868. My age 25 years & 9 months and 10 days.. 1868] A. Liddle was down to Church to day. 

Reverdy Johnson is repudiated even by the Administration at Washington. This is worse than being kicked by a mule. 1868
Reverdy Johnson is minister to England. Editorial Notes. Philadelphia Morning Post. 1868

*Reverdy Johnson was a statesman and jurist from Maryland. Go to for more information

Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday, November 14, 1868 – “This has been a very fine day.”

This has been a very fine day. We finished thrashing to day. We cleaned up the oats to day. We had about 160 bl of oats. I paid Thid Dickson $1.50 for helping to thrash. O. Dickson was over here to night. Him and Jim went up to Mr. Gowanlocks to night. O. Dickson came home with Jim and stayed all night. Frank Gowanlock and John Elliott went down by to day. Brushland. Jock Elliott is up to Gowanlocks to night. I am writeing to night. Every thing is all quiet.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday, November 13, 1868 – “We were thrashing oats to day.”

This has been a fine day. I was thrashing to day. We were thrashing oats to day. Thid Dickson was helping me to thrash. He stayed here all night. O. Dickson was over her to night. Net was up to Mr. Boyds this afternoon. Jane Boyd came down with her to night Jane Boyd stayed here all night. We had a joly time to night. O. Dickson and Jim were talking and blowing to night. Brushland. Delaware Co.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thursday, November 12, 1868 – “I drawed some wood into the wood-house to day.”

It is cold to day. I drawed some wood into the wood-house to day. I was up on Dicksons hill this afternoon. I saw Thid and O. Dickson on the Hill. D.Miller was here making cider to day. John Elliott was over here making cider to day. One year ago to day I was up to Mr. Gowanlocks to a chopping-bee. One year to day I was thrashing Buckwheat.

Buy fair, Sell fair, and Love the fair, but so doing you will stand a fair chance of leading (life) a fair.