This is a very cold day. If I may so term it. I was not doing much to day. Jim Gowanlock is here today. I was down to Brushland to day. Jim S? and some of the rest of the folks were along. I got some firkins today. Thare is singing school in Brushland to night. Thare is a Donation at the Hook to night. [code] Mr. Andrews. Thare was a Dance at the Hook to night. Music by Liddles Band. S. White was down to the Hook to night. Thare was a corcus [caucus] meeting in Brushland to night. One year ago to day A. Liddle was married to Mary Gill.*
*Alexander Liddle (1839-1918), son of John and Isabella Liddle, married Mary Gill (1842-1917), daughter of James and Mary Gill.
*Alexander Liddle (1839-1918), son of John and Isabella Liddle, married Mary Gill (1842-1917), daughter of James and Mary Gill.
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