Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31, 1868 - "If I may so term it."

It has been another cold day If I may so term it. I was not doing much to day. My throat is some sore today.
R. Scott and H. Warren were over here to night. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night.
Net and Bel Rutherford were down to it. Thare was a Donation in Andes to night for Mr. Smeiche. S. White was over to it. This is the last day of January 1868.

One acre of white clover contains 830 pounds of honey. The black-peper tree has been brought to bearing maturity in California.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 1868 - "I have a bad cold to day."

This has been a cold day.  I was drawing manure to day.  Bill J. Coulter, Nat Coulter, Frank Coulter, Two Lib Coulters, Nancy Coulter, Uphy Doig* and Mary Ann Thompson were here to night on an evening visit. Brushland. I have a bad cold to day. A. Liddle went down and up to day. Brushland Del. One year ago to day was a very cold day.
Every thing is very quiet and still to day.
One year to night I was up to John Winters. 1867
You may fill the rest out at your lesure.
*This likely is Euphemia Forrest Doig (1851-1932), daughter of William and Jane Doig.  She married William Gifford McNee in 1875.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 1868 - "The School marm was up this way to night."

It has been snowing some to day. Some of the folks were over to New Kingston this forenoon.
I was drawing manure this afternoon.
Thare was a Donation in Brushland to night for Mr. Dales of Andes.
Bill & Lill were down to it. Brushland.
Thid and O. Dickson were over this way this afternoon. They were breaking their colt.
The School marm was up this way to night. 1868. Everything is quiet and Still to night. W.J. Coulter

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 1868 - "Thare was a Surprise party at Tom Thompsons..."

This has been a tolerable fine day. Frank Scott was here this morning. He went away this forenoon.
I was drawing wood to day. A. Boyd brought some hay down to day.
There is Spelling School to night. I was down to it. R. Scott, Joe Forrest, H. Warren, Bill Coulter, Miss Dennis, Net Rutherford, Bell Rutherford*, Uphy Forrest**, Jane Forrest and Lill & Ann were at the S.S. to night. Thare was a Surprise party at Tom Thompsons to night. W.W. Forrest and John Forrest went to it. Brushland.

*These two Rutherfords likely are the sisters Jannett (b 1848) and Annabell or Anna Isabella( 1850-1921), the daughters of Robert and Hannah Rutherford.
**This possibly is Euphemia G. Forrest (1829-1872).

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27, 1868 - "It did not amount to Shucks."

This is a fair winter day. I snowed this afternoon. I was drawing wood this forenoon. Frank Scott came here this afternoon. He stayed all night. Thare was Singing School over on the Turnpike to night. The girls and I went over to it. It did not amount to Shucks. Thare was a crowd over from Brushland.
Frank & Nancy Coulter*, Andrew Thompson, Dewit Thompson**, Ann Scott, Archy Phyfe, Mary Doig, Jim Hamilton and others were at the S.S. tonight.
*This might be siblings Frank (1842-1907) and Nancy (1847-1924), children of David and Margaret Coulter.
**Dewitt Thomson (b 1848) was the son of John R. and Helen Thomson.  He married Mary Aitkin in 1876.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 1868 - "I heard the Churchbell to day."

This is a stormy day. It has snowed all day. Thare is none of the folks to church to day. I heard the Churchbell to day.

Maxims for Young Ladys.*
Don’t scream, unless you are frightened.
A narrowness of waist showes a narrowness of mind.
Dreams are the novels that we read when we are fast asleep.
Practice on the piano makes perfect.
Never faint when you are alone. Always select some good opportunity – or young man.
An old maid is an odd boot – no use without a fellow.

*These appear to come from issues of Punch magazine.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 1868 - "I had a very narrow escape to day."

This has been a cold day. I have been drawing wood to day. I had a very narrow escape to day. The horses came very near geting away from me to day. Thare was a vendue at R. Rutherfords to day. I saw Bill & Frank Gowanlock* to day. They were going to the vendue to day. Bill was at the vendue to day. Tom Winter was here to night. He is around selling matchsafes**.
Net Rutherford & Isabella Winter were here tonight. Ann came home this afternoon. 
Brushland Delaware.

*Frank and Bill were the sons of William and Ann Gowanlock.  Frank (1843-1918) married Jane Liddle in 1874.  William Gowanlock married Cordelia McIntyre.
**These were small cases used to hold small matches and keep them dry.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24, 1868 - "An ugly young lady is always anxious to marry"

It has been quite cold to day. I was drawing wood to day. Bill is at home to day. Ann is not home to day. Jim Boyd was in here to night. Thare is Singing School in Brushland to night. Net Rutherford was down to it. I was not at it.

80.000.000 millions of people crossed the N.Y. ferries last year. 
Miss Minnie Warren, Sister to Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb, is about to be led to the hymeneal alter by Commodore Nut. Their united wealth is about $250.000.*
An ugly young lady is always anxious to marry.

*For more information on Commodore Nut and Minnie Warren, go to

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 1868 - "Fresh Strawberries have appeared in New Orleans."

This is a very stormy day. Snowing & raining has been to order of things to day. I was in Delhi to day. I got supper in Delhi to night at Dan O. Donnells. I came home to night. Thare is Singing School at the Hook to night. I came through some big snow drifts today
I saw Jim Scott of Hamden to day. I met him on the road. One year ago today, [Nettie D. Wilbur] came to Bovina.

Fresh Strawberries have appeared in New Orleans. Remember that if you sanction to custom.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 1868 - "This has been a memorable day for me."

This has been a fine day. The sun has been shineing to day. We had a cow comin to day. Bill came home to day.
Thare was a Donation in Andes to night from Mr. Dales. Thare was Singing School at the But[t]end to night.  I am in the Town of Hamden to day. One year ago tonight there was a Donation in Brushland for Mr. Lee. 
This has been a memerable day for me. [I asked Mr. Wilburs consent to day for his daughter to be my wife. I feel happy to night. I am with my dear Nettie to night.] W.J. Cou

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 1868 - "...the hardest snow storm..."

This is a very Stormy day. It is snowing to day. It has been the hardest snow storm we have had this winter. The wind is east. Thare was to be Spelling S. to night.
I am in the Town of Hamden to day. W.J. Coulter
[I am at H.P. Wilburs to day. I am in the company of my dearest Nettie to day.]
One year ago to day I was drawing wood. One year to day Tom & Frank Coulter were up here. Brushland.
[I am in the Basin Clove] today.  W.J. Coulter

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, January 20, 1868 - "It is pleasant this afternoon."

It is storming this forenoon. It is pleasant this afternoon. I went to Delhi to day. Bill went to Delhi to day with me. I saw John Armstrong to day. I mailed a letter to day in Delhi.
[I am in the Town of Hamden to night.]
I went through Terry Clove this afternoon.
[I am at H.P. Wilburs to night. I am with my dearest Nettie.]
Thare is Singing School in New Kingston to night. Wat. Stott and Joe Forrest were over to the Singing S. to night. Wat Stott went home with A. Russell to night.
Brushland Del.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 1868 - "I always wish my neck was hisen."

This has been a fine day. It was cool in the morning. Thare was some of the folks to church to day. Every thing is quiet to day. I rote two letters to day. I was doing the chores to day. A. Liddle was down to church to day. Bovina. Jim went over to Franks.

A Dog-gerel.

When Peggy’s arms
Her dog impression,
I always wish
My neck was hisen;
And when she
Kisses Tower’s nose,
Oh! don’t I wish
That I were thoes.*

*This is a variation of a little ditty that was popular in the 1860s.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 1868 - " will pass for a fair winter day."

It is Somewhat cold to day. But it will pass for a fair winter day. I went over to the But[t]end to mill this forenoon and I also went down to Brushland. Watt Stott roade up with me from Brushland. 1868
I was drawing wood this afternoon. I was into Walt O. Stotts today in Brushland. Ann is not at home to day.

“A handsome woman pleases the eye but a good woman the heart, the one is a jewel, the other a treasurer.”*
No entertainment is so cheep as reading and no pleasure so lasting.
Lady Montagu**

*Attributed to Napoleon
**Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), an English aristocrat and writer.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17, 1868 - "...from neglect of nature's laws."

This is a cold Stormy day. I have been drawing wood to day as my ocupation if I may so term it. Jim came home today. Ann is not home to day. Bill went down the road This afternoon. Thare is Singing S. in Brushland to night. One year ago to night Bill Thompson and Net McAaron* were Married. Same night thare was a Show in Brushland. 

He that hinders not a mischief when it is in his power, is guilty of it.**
Of all Disease the great first cause springs from neglect of nature’s laws.**

*This is a reference to the marriage of William B. Thomson (1843-1929), son of William and Jennett Thomson to Jeanette McEachron (1841-1919), daughter of Alexander and Jannett McEachron.
**These are both quotes that appeared in publications from the 1850s.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 1868 - "Thare was a very large crowd at the Donation to night."

It is Storming Some to day. I went over to the But[t]end to mill this forenoon. I was also down to Brushland. Andrew Archabald rode down to Brushland with me. I was drawing wood this afternoon. S. White was up on the hill hunting this afternoon. Thare is a Donation in Brushland to night for Mr. Lee. Bill & Ann went down to it. The Donation to night foots up to $366.50 dollars. Thare was a very large crowd at the Donation to night.  I was not at it.
Walter J. Coulter. 1868

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 1868 - "..both stormy and pleasant to day."

It has been both stormy and pleasant to day.  1867
Some of the folks over to Andes to day.
H. Liddle and E. Gill over in here to day.
Thare was a Surprise party at Mr. T. Forrests to night.  Lib Furguson*, Olive Burgin**, Miss Peak, Kate Clark and Sister, Lib Dysart, Mary Doig, Eliz Doig, Sara Phyfe***, Miss Niesh, Ann Gladstone, Rob Furguson*, Jim Seacord*, Archy. Phyfe***, Watt Stott, R. Hood, E. Graghm Hugh, Munn Clark & Smith and our folks were at the surprise party tonight.  Miss McNair was also thare.  Brushland.

*This could be Elizabeth C. Ferguson, who married James Seacord (1842-1918) in October 1868 (his name is included in this list of party goers).  Her brother, Robert Ferguson (b 1843) is also on the list.
**Olivia Burgin (b. 1850), daughter of Homer and Amanda Burgin, married Andrew Liddle in May 1868.
***Sara Matilda Phyfe (1850-1928), daughter of John and Matilda Phyfe and sister of Archibald Phyfe (1848-1934), who is also on this list of party goers.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 1868 - "There is a Spelling School to night."

It is not so cold to day. I have been drawing wood to day. Tom Winter came here this forenoon.
He stayed for dinner and Supper. Lill came home to day.
There is Spelling School to night.  Mag Lewis, Miss Dennis, Tom Winter, R. Scott, Harvey Warren, James Miller, John Forrest, W.W. Forrest, Joe Forrest, Thid Dickson*, O. Dickson and Bill Gill** were at the Spelling School to night.  H. Warren went home with Mag. Lewis. Thid Dickson went up to White’s to night.

*This might be Theodore Dickson (b. 1842), the son of Gilbert and Ellen Dickson.
**This likely is William J. Gill (b. 1846), the son of James and Mary Gill.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13, 1868 - "...drawing wood to day as my ocupation."

It has been another cold day. We are haveing some very cold weather for a few days. I have been drawing wood to day as my ocupation. W.J.C.
Bill went up to A. Liddle to night. R. Scott & H. Warren were over here to night. Thare is Singing School in New Kingston to night. Tom Winter was over to Singing S. to night. Frank Armstrong, S. Yaple Burns & Olives were over to Singing S. to night. Lill is not home to day.
Brushland Del Co N.Y.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 1868 - "Is a man a whit the better?"

This is a very cold day. Thare is none of the folks to church to day.
Every thing is quiet to day.
Bill is home to day.
Thare is no preaching at Lees church to day.
Lill is not home to day.
Brushland, Del Co. N.Y. 1868

The Man*
Is a man a whit the better
For his riches and his gains?
For his acres and his palace-
If his inmost heart is callous-
Is a man a whit the better?
Is a man a whit the worse
For a lowly dress of rags?
Though he owns no lordly rental.
If his heart is kind and gentle
Is a man a whit the worse.

*This poem dates from the 1860s and appears in several publications found on Google, but I have not found who wrote it.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 1868 - "Still cold to day."

It is Still cold to day. But not so cold as it was yesterday. I have been drawing wood to day. Some of the folks were down to Brushland to day. Bill came home tonight. One year ago to day I was in the Town of Andes. Thare has been no one here to day. Brushland Del. Co.

Jeddo* the capital of Japan is the largest city in the world, population 5.000.000.  It is said that $16.000 worth of kid gloves were sold for wear at the Dickens’ readings in Boston. John Bright** is a substantial man. He weighs 225 pounds. England

*Jeddo is a version of the name for the ancient Japanese capital of Edo.
**Likely this was John Bright (1811-1889), a noted Quaker and member of the British Parliament.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10, 1868 - "Thare was a cow come in to day."

This has been a very cold day. Mercury 8 degrees below zero this morning. It is down to zero to night.  I have been drawing wood to day as my ocupation if I may so term it. Ann & I are all alone to day yet. There has been no one here to day. Thare was a cow come in to day. One year ago to day we went over to Tom Liddle’s in Wolf hollow. S.White and John Lewis were along. One year this forenoon I was drawing wood.
Two years ago to day I was in Delhi. I got my photographs taken then. Same night thare was a Donation in Brushland for Dominnie Lee* Bovina.

*This was James B. Lee, the pastor of the Bovina United Presbyterian Church.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 1868 - "Mercury down to zero..."

It is snowing to day 1868. This has been a cold Stormy day. Mercury down to zero to night. I was drawing wood this forenoon and doing chores this afternoon. This is Cameroneon* fast-day. Ann & I have been all alone to day.  Bill & Jim & Lill are away from home to day. One year ago to night John Lewis & Mat. Lambert were here.  One year ago to day I was in Delhi Del Co N.Y. One year ago to day I saw Add Scott in Delhi.  Two years ago to night thare was Spelling School Same time and place. John Forrest went home with Mary S. Gowanlock.

*Cameronian was another name applied to the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 1868 - "One year to day I was happy happy"

This has been a very good winter day.  Wind North to day. It has been cloudy to day. I have been drawing wood to day. Harry Warren was over her to night.  him and I played two or three games of Ucher* to night.  Hellen Strangeway was Married to day to Mr. George Gladstone of Andes.**  One year ago to day I was in Delhi. [One year ago to day I was with my dear Nettie.]
One year to day I was in [Hamden village] Del. Co. N.Y. One year to day I was [happy happy] .  Bill and Jim and Lill are away from home today.  1868

*Euchre is a card game.  Go to for more information.
**George Gladstone (1843-1927) married Helen Strangeway (1844-1916) in Bovina.  They would have four children.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Breaking the Code - "My Dearest Earthly Treasure"

Today, while at my job at the Delaware County Historical Association, I showed our student volunteer, Samantha Misa, some of the pages from Coulter's diary that contained coded text. Samantha is a history major at SUNY Geneseo and when not in school lives on Bramley Mountain with her parents. While Samantha was having her lunch, she took some of the pages I had printed from the scans and started playing with the code. In a couple of hours she did it!  We now know what the coded passages are saying, so I will be updating the blog entries with the coded sections translated.

The information we had from the donor indicated that the code was somehow connected to Walter's mother, but either she misspoke or there was some miscommunication, because most of the coded passages related to Walter's fiancee  and, by February 27, his wife.

He started using the code the very first day - here's the two coded sections and their translation:

I am in the town of Hamden
to day. I am at H.P. Wilburs to
day. I am with my dear Nettie 
to day & also to night.

I am in the company of 
my dearest earthly treasure.

H.P Wilbur is Walter's future father-in-law, Hatzel P. Wilbur.  Nettie is Jeanette Wilbur, his soon to be wife.

Walter used the code throughout 1868, though not every day.  He uses the code less and less in the next few years and by after early 1876, the code disappears from his diary completely.

Kudos to our own Enigma, Samantha Misa, for breaking this code.

Tuesday, January 7, 1868 - "Frank Coulter was up here to night after a whip."

This has been a fine day. I have been drawing wood to day. One year ago to day I was drawing wood. One year ago to day W.W. Forrest was up here.
Bill went over to Franks this morning. Ann came home this forenoon.
Lill went away this afternoon. A. Liddle and wife were down here to night on an Evening visit.
Frank Coulter was up here to night after a whip.
The wife of Aaron Rowe, living three miles from Mt. Vernon, Ohio, on the 3d inst, gave birth to three boys and two girls, all of whom with their mother, are doing well. [This was a news item that appeared in a number of newspapers.]

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, January 6, 1868 - "I sold a tub of Butter to day..."

This is also a very fine day.  I went to Margretville to day. I went by Clarks Factory. I sold a tub of Butter to day for $.40 per lb.
Frank and his wife is here to night.
W.W. Forrest is here to night.
The School marm is here to night.
There is Singing School to night in New Kingston. There is Spelling School to night.  Mag Lewis, Mary Lewis, Jane Lewis*, Jane Forrest, Miss Dennis, Beck Scott, Rob Scott, W.W. Forrest, John Forrest, Tom Winter, H. Warren** and Bill Thompson were at the S.S. tonight.  Bill Thompson went home with Mag Lewis tonight.

*Likely Mag, Mary and Jane were sisters, the daughters of John and Barbara Lewis.  Jane was born in 1843, Margaret in 1844 and Mary in 1850.
**This likely is Harry or Harvey Warren, the son of Horace and Clarissa Warren, who lived off the upper end of Cape Horn Road.  Harvey, born in 1846, died in Iowa in 1872.  He is mentioned several times in the diary.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 1868 - "So should we be ever ready for the glorious time to come"

This is a very fine day. It is clear and frosty to day. Some of the folks are to church to day.
I shaved[?] to day.  1867.
Joe Dysart preached in New Kingston to day.
Ann was over to New Kingston today.

1 As the Bird that journey Southward
To escape the winters blight.
Plumes her wing and waits expectant,
For the hour to take her flight.
2 So should we be ever ready,
For the glorious time to come,
When our souls on angels pinions
Shall be wafted to our home.
3 So shall we from heights celestial,
View our earthly care and Strife,
As the steps by which we mounted
To a higher, purer life.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 1868 - "I was drawing wood."

It has been Stormy to day.  I have been drawing wood to day. One year ago to day I was drawing wood.
D. Black took Alice Russell home to day.  Ann went along with them.
D. Coulters* folks stoped here to day.
One year ago to night there was Singing School in Brushland.

P.T. Barnum is out as a lecturer.  What will be his next move?  The population of Spain is sixteen millions.  Yet Spain is scarcely heard of now-a-days. Vesuvius is pouring out lava and pitching up big stones 1.000 feet into the air.  Italy.  1868.

*Probably his uncle David Coulter (1813-1877)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday, January 3, 1868 - "There was a large crowd out to night."

This is a very fine day.  I was doing the chores to day.  D. Coulters folks went up by to day.  They were going to Rob. Archabalds to an Infair.
Some of the folks were over to Andes to day.  Tom Winter was in here to night.  him & I went down to Brushland to a Singing School. S. White, John Forrest, Joe Forrest, Wat. Stott*, Rob Scott, Mag Lewis**, Alice Russell***, Miss Dennis were down to Singing S to night.  Walt Stott went home with Alice Russell. There was a large crowd out to night.  1868.

*Wat/Walt Stott may be Walter Stott, born 1848, the son of Walter and Mary Stott.
**Mag Lewis may have been Margaret Lewis (b 1844), daughter of John and Barbara Lewis.  She married Winfield Harvey Warren in 1869.
***This may be Alice Jane Russell (1847-1923), daughter of John and Jane Russell, who married William F. Boggs in 1871.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 1868 - "There was a spree at R. Scotts..."

This is a fine day.  I was in Delhi to day.  S. White was here to night. I saw Andrew Lull* in Delhi to day.
[I came through Hamden village to day.  came from H.P. Wilburs this morning]
Mary Henderson and Robert Archabald** were married today [J. Hilson]*** rode up with me from Delhi.
I saw Jim Scott in Delhi today.  There was a spree at R. Scotts to night in Hamden. Dewitt Thompson was at it.  I saw John and Frank Armstrong in Delhi to day.  Jim was over to Andes today.  Brushland.

*Likely Andrew D. Lull, born 1843 in Bovina, died 1895 in Glassboro, NJ.
**Robert Archibald (1845-1924), son of Robert and Elizabeth Archibald, married Mary Henderson (1847-1925), daughter of James and Hannah Henderson in New Kingston.
***Probably John Hilson (1827-1896)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 1868 - "A happy New Year's day"

A happy New Year’s day. This has been a Stormy day. It has rained and snowed. Thare was a shooting ma[t]ch at the But[t]end to day. One year ago to day I was drawing wood.
New Years has passed off very quietly around here. W.W. Forrest* was in Delhi to day.
[I am in the town of Hamden to day. I am at H.P. Wilburs** to day. I am with my dear Nettie*** 
to day & also to night.]
One year ago tonight thare was a Ball at the Hook. 
[I am in the company of my dearest earthly treasure.]

*This probably is William W. Forrest (b. 1845), son of Thomas and Helen Forrest.
**H.P Wilbur is Walter's future father-in-law, Hatzel P. Wilbur.
***Nettie is Jeanette Wilbur, his soon to be wife.  In 1868, references to Nettie are almost always in code.